Who did this?

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I lie emotionless on the floor, my back and head both throbbing in pain.

After 002 and the others found me they started throwing me against the wall as if I was the chip that knocked 002 out. I grit my teeth at the unbearable pain. Were they looking for me the whole time the alarm was on? Were they the runaways? Considering the fact they looked to be in perfect shape, minus the out of breath part, I'd say that they didn't receive their punishment yet. They wouldn't have had the strength to use their powers if they did. The alarm is still going. I assumed they were either caught meaning the alarm is now for me, or their hiding somewhere avoiding punishment for as long as they can. I wouldn't blame them, I'd hide too if it meant avoiding that kind of pain. Though, once they are found they will receive an even greater punishment than before, but something tells me they expected that. Nobody would commit such a stupid act without knowing the consequences, especially in a place like this. I'm assuming the alarm is either for me or is going to be soon. I can't even roll over. The pain from this morning was just starting to fully heal, now I'm right back where I started. I seem to be in a never ending cycle of pain. I don't want to have to use that wheelchair again, the thought of Peter helping me in and out of it all day embarrasses me.

I begin to feel lightheaded, the alarm and the flashing lights seem to have been on for hours, I know that's not the case but it still feels like it. The room starts to spin, I feel like I'm really going to throw up this time. I hear voices in the background, I can't make out anything their saying, it's either because there too far away or the dizzyness is setting in. I feel pathetic. Why am I even here. I know Brenner wants to study my brain or whatever but isn't studying the cause of superpower more interesting, so what if my GPA is above average. I'm nothing special. I start to slip away from reality.

(Setting: The junkyard hang out spot)

"WOW El, that's incredible"!

El smiles at me as she drops the car she was picking up .

Mike: " Y/n! El! Come on, we need to map out our next plan to find will"

Lucas grabs a stick and starts mapping out a visual of our next move.

Lucas: "ok so the lab is here, and the Electro magnetic field is beyond this fence".

"Well if it's electric we can use a magnetic force of attraction to disable the mechanism". I say.

I grab the stick from Lucas and begin drawing the fence. I then draw a picture of what would happen if we were to use a powerful enough magnet against the fence.

I feel all four of them staring at me, so I look up.

"What?" I ask.

They all look at eachother then back at me and smile.

Dustin: "you sure are something special y/n".

(End of Flashback)

A tear rolls down my face at this forgot memory of my friends, it was when we were trying to find Will and get into Hawkins Lab. I laugh, "guys I made it in".
I whispers still laughing.

I miss them, all of them so much.

The voices grow louder and I see a figure standing over me. My vision is too blurry to make them out, I squint my eyes in hopes of getting a clearer image of the person above me. He leans closer and sticks a needle in my arm.

???: "This will numb the pain"

Then I slip into a deep void of darkness.

(Time skip)

I don't know what it was that caused me to jolt awake, but I'm glad I did because sitting right at the end of the bed is Peter. My eyes light up, I'm about to say something when I remember the cameras

Peter: "Don't worry, I had the guards turn them off, I've noticed that the light gives u a headache so I assumed having them off for now would help you heal".

I almost cry at how thoughtful he is.

Something in his expression changed. His eyes and face say something completely different than before. His once pure, comforting eyes grow dim and his once welcoming but slightly sad smile turns dark. It took me by surprise by how fast his face changed. It's almost as if he's a completely different person.

Peter: "who did this to you".

I think he noticed my nervous look because his face changes back to the one I can recognize anywhere.

I'm already considered a snitch and pushing that title will only cause more trouble.

I look down
"Was it you?". I mumble

Peter: "what?"

"Before I  fully slipped out of consciousness, there was a man who talked to me, he dosed me with something and said it would numb the pain. Was that you?"

His expression changes back again.

Peter: "No, it must have been Papa. Once we found the missing kids I went back to  your room, but when I got there you weren't there."

So he did go and check on me. A hint of blush appears on my cheeks as I look away.

Peter stands up and paces around the room.

Peter: "I figured maybe they already took you back to the rainbow room so I went back there, the alarm was still on but I just assumed they didn't turn the alarm off yet. Then I heard Papa talking about you, saying you weren't in your room".

He stares at me.

Peter:" I thought you tried running away again."

My eyes grow wide. His expression shows a bit of sadness and he shakes his head as if it was a silly thought.

Peter:" But I'm sure you've already figured out that there's no escape. Everyone's a prisoner here, not just the children".

I look over at him, his sad eyes staring about into the distance.

"Even you?"

Peter:"Even me".

I look away, I can't look at his face, his expression breaks me so much.


I look up to meet his gaze, his blue eyes stare deep into my e/c one's. I didn't even feel that he moved closer. He seems to be studying me. I take account of all his features that I hadn't noticed before like the way his blonde hair makes a perfect swirl in the front, his perfectly sculpted jawline, this pale ivory skin, the pink tint of his cheeks and his plump lips. He notices me analyzing him just as he's doing to me.

He looks away.

I must have made him feel uncomfortable..

Peter:" you have yet to answer my question, 017".

I look up at him as he leans down to my eye level, resting his hands on my bed as he tilts his head to the side.

Who did this?

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