All the time

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It felt good, really good.

Their screams. Their cries. Their pleads.

The fact that I was in control.
I had the power. The upper hand.

I won't give them the satisfaction of unconsciousness. I want them to feel it all, everything that I felt. Every shock that went through my body. Every ack and throb. Everything.

Brenner puts his hand on my shoulder

Brenner: " that's enough 017"

He takes the controller from my hand and turns it off.

I watch as they paint gasping for air as if it's their last. It probably felt like it.

They look up at me.

"Who's weak now". I spat.

The look of horror flashes before their eyes.

Fear. An emotion that's commonly overlooked because people try so hard to avoid owning up to it. It's essence is something more powerful then any other emotion. The vary word strikes fear into the onlookers eyes. It lives up to it's title.
If only I could savor this moment forever. It's true what they say.

Revenge is sweet.

(Time skip)

An hour has passed since the incident, the kids collapsed out of exhaustion and Brenner took me back to my room to ask me a few more questions.

I haven't seen Peter since he helped drag the other back to their room.

I'll have to properly thank him the next time I see him.

I'm alone in my room the memories of earlier fill my mind once again.

I smile.

I don't care if it makes me insane.

I enjoyed every moment.

I lay my head down on the pillow sneaking my hand underneath to feel the cold side.

I feel something beneath my fingers.

I pull it out to reveal the note Peter gave me not too long ago.

I smile as I reread it.

"You were very brave in there. I hope you feel better soon :)"

I smile as warmth of happiness fills me.

I'm glad there's someone here who cares for me.

I press the note against my chest as I imagine it as his warm embrace.

He's so polite, so kind. But there's still something about him I can't grasp. Something deep. Something sad. Something dark.

I wanna know more about him, how he ended up here, how long he's been here, what his relationship is with the others, what brings that sad expression to his face.

I wanna know him.

(Time skip)

I'm now being taken down the hall. Brenner came and got me not too long ago and insisted that I follow him.

I analyze the area. Were in a new part of the building that I've never been in before. I remember to keep in mind the way back and my exits just in case.

I'm always keeping my eyes out for new openings, new opportunities to get away.

I don't care how long it takes.

I will get out of here.

(Time skip)

"Papa, where are we going"

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