I'll forever be greatful

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We finally finish our game. The timing is perfect because we also just finished going over the plan.

I, of course, won.

I look around the room.

It appears that 012 is the one being examined right now so I still have enough time to tell 016 about the plan before it's her turn.

I stand up and make my way over to her.

She's at her favorite station in the room.

The station with all the toy cars.

She's always so interested in what new things she can do with them.

I sit down beside her.

016: " HEY 017! Do you wanna play with me?!"

I smile.

"How about we play a different game. A secret mission game." I whisper.

016:"OOOOOO YEAH" she whisper yells back.

"There are rules you have to follow in order to win the game, if you break the rules you loose and the bad guys win, and we don't want that, right?"


"Ok, so in order to complete the mission you have to make it out of Hawkins Lab."

016:"But Papa says there's no way out, how will I win?"

"There is a way out, and if you listen to what I have to say, you will win. You'll be the biggest winner of all time".

Her eyes grow wide in excitement.

I pull out a hand drawn map that I made of the building's hallway system, it only covers what I know and what we need.

"Do you know where this room is?"

I point to the area on the map that shows a passage between two main hallways.

She nods

016: " That's right by the "workers only" room."

"Exactly, in two days you will meet me there, and that's when your secret mission begins. I'll let you know the next phase of your mission when the time comes. Think you can do it, special agent 016?"

She gives me a determined look.

016: " You can count on me commander 017" she whispers with a salute.

"Good, and remember-"

016: "Don't tell anyone"


I give her a high five.

I turn over to Peter, whose standing in his signature spot by the door.

I give him a nod.

Phase one is complete.

I make my way over to the doorway and pick up my skateboard so it looks like I'm about to use it.

Peter walks over to me and acts like he's giving me instructions.

Peter: "How well did she take it?"

"I think she mostly understands, I'll remind her again on where and when she should meet us".

Peter:"I'm not going to be with you during this part, you have to make sure she escapes, she'll ask too many questions if I'm there with you".

I nod.

Peter:" Here's the map of the vent system. When you're both in the room, give her this and tell her where to go once she's out."

I take the slip of paper and shove it into my pocket.

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