Worry in the world

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⚠️(This chapter contains 18+ moments so if you're uncomfortable with that, you can skip this chapter, it won't interfere with the plot of the story)⚠️

For a while I just stood there under the warm water.

Water trickled down my face and back.

I wish this moment could last forever.

After a while I open my eyes to look around the small space of the shower stall.

For a child's bathroom, everything is super clean-

Just like everything else in this building.

There's not a speck of filth anywhere.

Brenner must have cleaning services in order everyday to take care of the place and keep it looking as brand new as the day it was built.

There's a small shelf just below the shower head.

It contains both shampoo and conditioner, as well as a bar of soap.

Every product is in a solid white container.

No ingredients or anything is listed on it.

The only thing thats on them is a small label with black letters saying what the product is.

Jeez, even hygiene ingredients are kept secret.

I take the bottle labeled "shampoo" and squirt a good amount in my hand.

I bring it up to my nose, maybe I can smell what it's made out of.

But it doesn't smell like anything. Maybe a hint of something floral but other than that it's basically fragrance free-

I start lathering it in my hair, being sure to get every inch of my head.

After I let it sit for a moment I rinse it out and move to the conditioner.

Once my hair is all washed and rinsed, I tie it up with my cloth strip.

I made sure it was cleaned as much as it could be before I put it on.

I go to grab the bar of soap but it slips from my hands and rolls under the shower stall.

Well fuck-

I peak my head out of the curtain to see Peter still standing in the same spot.

I swollow hard and quietly tip toe into the next stall to grab the soap.

Once I have it I quickly run back to the other stall.

That was way more nerve racking then I thought It would be-

I let out a sigh of relief and start washing my body.

Once I'm done I stick my arm out of the curtain to reach for a towel.

Then I remember.

All the towels are by Peter!!

How could I be stupid enough to forget such a basic thing?!!

I start to panic.

Ok ok, calm down y/n.

I'm sure if I ask him he'll politely bring one over to me.

He's a man of respect, he would never try anything. But the fact that I even have to ask makes me wanna die.

I turn the water off.


I hear him give a "Hm?"

"Could you please bring me a towel.. I forgot to grab one-"

Peter: "Of course".

I wait in the corner of the stall. I listen as he makes his way closer.

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