Clever Girl

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I watch as 002 throws each of his opponents into the back wall at full force.

I get a flashback of the night the four of them threw me around like a ragdoll

The unbearable pain of my back hitting the cold hard wall over and over again.

The agonizing headache I felt afterward and the bruises that formed along with it.

A shiver runs down my spine.

002's not as powerful as El once was, I can tell.

But he may just be the next best.

I remember being able to outsmart El's powers back when she still had them, however I had more to work with back at home. All I have now is a few marbles, game pieces and toy cars.

I watch in horror as 002 not only sends the last child against the wall but also the youngest.

016 looks to be just barely 7 years old.

That poor girl barely stood a chance, even with powers.

Brenner: "017, step forward".

I gulp and shakily step forward.

Brenner: "Please enter the circle 017"

I give a nod and take my position in the circle across from 002.

Peter is behind me with a blindfold.

I take a deep breath as my vision goes dark and the only thing I can see is darkness.

He leans closer to my ear, his lips inches away.

Peter: "Good luck" he whispers.

I give a weak smile at his words.

I take a marble out of my pocket and roll it around in my hand.

Brenner: "Begin"

Just as the word leaves his mouth I throw the marble on the floor with enough force for it to be able to bounce more then once.

I hear 002's breath hitch as he can't focus on his task at hand.

I give a smirk.

I pull another marble out of my pocket and wait for the first one to stop bouncing.

Suddenly I'm pushed back a little.

I grunt in frustration as I throw the marble at the wall in front on me.

I can tell the marble barely missed 002 because I hear him gasp as it flew by his ear only centimeters away.

Since the marble was close by him the noise was louder, messing up his concentration again.

I lift my foot up and rub it against my ankle to create friction. I do the same with the other foot.

If my feet are all sweaty then they'll stick to the floor and it will be harder for me to slide back.

I can hear Brenner writing things down.

I hear 002, once again, groan in annoyance.

He tries again, this time I can feel how much stronger he used it. I stumble back a little but I'm able to catch myself because of my now sweaty feet acting like my own grippers.

I pull a toy car out of my pocket and lean down and slide it across the floor towards 002.

I hear him kick it with another angry grunt.

Careful 002, anger doesn't calm the mind. And without a calm conscience, your winning streak will soon come to an end.

I smirk at how such I'm annoying him.

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