The Upside Down

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Finally, we approach the simulation room.

It's amazes me how such technology has been created inside this lab, you won't see these types of things anywhere else, especially in Hawkins.

We all make our way inside.

The room is huge. It's all white with a smaller closed off glass room in the center, much like The Room had. Each corner of the room has a big screen TV.

We all line up against the back wall.

Brenner takes his position by the computer outside the glass room door and Peter stands right beside him.

Brenner: "All right 002, step forward"

002 makes his way over to the entrance.
Peter places the virtual reality goggles on him.

Once Peter is done 002 steps into the room.

Brenner talks through the microphone.

Brenner: "Alright 002, you know the drill, nothing you see is real. However everything will look and feel real. Just focus your powers on the task at hand and good luck.

Brenner pushes a button and I hear 002's breath hitch.

The screens show the first person perspective of 002 and what he sees.

My eyes widen.

"No way.." I whisper.

I see 016 glance up at me in the corner of my eye. But my eyes are glued to the screen and the reality that's shown.

It's the Upsidedown-

I swollow hard.

I think 016 noticed how I tensed up because she places her small hand on my arm for comfort.

I smile down at her letting her know I'm ok.

My eyes move back to the screen.

Suddenly a bunch of flying lizard looking creatures start attacking 002, he flinches as each one of them try and rip through his skin with their teeth.

He can really feel that?..

I hear him yell and he uses his powers to send them flying backwards.

I watch the TV with wide eyes.

It's just like how it was in my nightmare..

I watch as 002 struggles with forcing the creatures off of him.

I look back at the glass room.

It's just him standing there, reacting to everything he sees. He's sweating... It's as if he's really fighting these things-

My attention is back on the screen.

I watch as 002 starts smashing the creatures on the ground and into each other.

I can tell he's out of breath. I can also tell that these small creatures are stronger then they look, and with there being so many, I can't imagine how difficult this is or will be for me.

(Time skip)

Finally after 10 long minutes, 002 defeats the last creature and the screens go black.

The simulation is over.

I watch as 002 steps out of the room.

He's panting, he seems really exhausted-

Peter takes the goggles off him and the next child steps forward.

002 goes and sits down on the opposite side of the room against the wall.

I swollow hard.

Oh boy..

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