Hi Peter.

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Just as I was about to open the door a thought crosses through my mind.

What if there's a vent in Peter's room?..

I think back to the time I first saw him in there, I didn't get a good look at the room because my attention was on him. I do remember, however, that the punishment room did have a vent. And his room is very similar to the punishment room, just a little smaller.

And similar rooms are built and constructed the same based on what I've noticed in the lab, so I think it's safe to say that there is one.

It must have been to the right of that 3 way passage that I ran into.

I turn around and look back over at the hole in the ceiling where I broke out.

I grunt

"Here we go again"

(Time skip)

After a while of back tracking, I finally make my way to a familiar passage of routes.

I give a determined nod to myself and take a left

As I approch this new area of the vent system, I start to hear distant mumbles from below me.

I bite my bottom lip. And slow down my  pace

I press my ear against the bottom of the vent and listen to the muffled conversation.


My body tenses up.

???: " I'm going to ask you one more time, and you better give us a straight answer.

Peter: "you mean the same answer I've been giving you?"

Another loud slap.

I hear Peter grunt.

???: "HOW DID YOU DO IT?!"

Peter: " Your going to have to be more specific. I've done many things, which one are you referring to?"

Then I hear the same electrical zap I heard before.

I listen as Peter lets out another painful yell. One much louder than before.

A tear rolls down my face as I lift my head back up.

"I'm coming Peter" I whisper.

I start crawling forward at a very slow pace so I don't make much noise.

I start looking for a vent.

God I hope Im right about this..

(Time skip)

After a while of Carful crawling, I spot it.

I almost scream with joy.

I was right!

I crawl over to the vent and peer through it's cracks.

Right below me is Peter.

I almost wanna yell to him that I'm here. That he no longer has to undergo the pain and torture he has been for the past, however many years.

I swollen hard and keep my breathing to a minimum.

A single breath can get me caught.

If Peter were to hear me, his instant reaction would be to look up, and that would only create suspicion.

I need to figure out my next move..

I lean down and closely examine what I can about the room.

I mentioned to myself earlier that it was a lot like the punishment room, only smaller.

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