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Nothing could have prepared me for how real this feels. Not even the 13 other kids reactions before me.

I look around, everything looks exactly how I remember it in my nightmare.

It's almost as if I can feel the cold air, but I know that it's just in my head. The only thing we're supposed to feel is the creatures in the simulation.

Speaking of which, a swarm of those flying demons are headed straight for me.

I quickly look around.

Ok, what do I have to work with..

Nothing seems to be of use.

I turn around to see a dead forest behind me.


I start running, jumping over anything that looks like it could move.

The memory of my nightmare flashes back before my eyes.

When that strange looking thing wrapped around my ankle and dragged me away. I won't let it happen again, weather or not this simulation is real.

I hear the creatures gaining on me.

Once I make it to the forest I start breaking some think branches off the dead trees.

I don't have powers so this will have to do.

Once I have one that looks sturdy enough, I make a full B-line towards the flying devils themselves.

The screeches that they let out are ear rigging.

I watch as one flys straight towards me.

I swing my stick, sending it tumbling to the ground.

I then go over and stomp on it till it's screeching can no longer be heard.

I let out a sigh, I'm already out of breath and it's only the beginning.

I turn around only to have a whole group of them force me to the ground.

These things are stronger than they look.

I let out a painful scream as I feel them tear my skin open.

I rolled over, crushing the ones on my chest beneath me.

I reach over and grab the one bitting my shoulder.

I wrap my hand around its neck, choking it as I elbow it into the ground. I let out a gasp as I feel one bite my neck.

I try ripping off me but its grip on me is too strong. It feels like I could rip my skin off with it.

I grab a dead one off the ground and pry its jaws open, revealing its sharp teeth. Than I sink its mouth on the other one clinging to my neck.

It lets out a screech and lets go.

It tries to fly away but I grab it by its long tail and smash it on the ground. I step on his head and pull its tail, ripping it in half.

I pick up my stick again.

Here comes another cluster.

I yell and charge at them.

I swing right, then left.

Sending each of them hurtling towards the ground.

I hit the next one with such force it breaks the stick in half.

I'm not surprised since I got it from a rotting tree, but I was hoping it would last a little longer-

I look to my right and then to my left.

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