I'm sure we will

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The pain in my shoulders wakes me up.

I let out a grunt as I roll over.

"Fucking hell, that hurts like a bitch" I whisper.

I check the time


Damn, why is it still so early..

I let out another grunt as I stretch.

I touch my shoulders to make sure my wounds didn't open back up.

They haven't, good.

Something on the floor catches my eye.

It's right by the crack of the door.

I slip out of bed and make my way over to it.

It Looks like a note.

I slowly pick it up and walk back to my bed.

I get under the blanket and unravel it so the cameras don't see.

As I open the note two small things fall out.

I pick them up and take a closer look.

Pain killers?

I look back over at the note

"Hope this helps with the pain for when you wake up :)".

The little smiley face at the ends of his notes always make me smile.

His kindness is something I've only ever experienced once.

I pop the pills I'm my mouth and swollow.

The chalky taste makes me gag a little.

I place the note in my pocket along with all the other notes and papers.

Soon I'll have to find a new hiding place for them.

I snuggle back into bed.

After a while I slowly begin falling asleep now that the pain killers have kicked in.

(Time skip)

I'm once again awaken by the sound of the door opening.

I turn to see Peter in the doorway with his welcoming smile.

I slip out of bed and walk over to him.

He smiles down at me and puts a comforting hand on my back as he leads me out of the room.

His gentle touch is enough to make me blush.

I walk behind all the other children as we make our way to the rainbow room.

Once we enter the room I watch as Peter tilts his head towards the game of chess.

I nod my head letting him know I understand.

Right off the bat, Brenner calls the first kid over for their " monthly check in", as he likes to call them. But I know it's really just his way of using each of us as his lab rats.

002 is the first to leave the room because it's number order.

I take a seat across from Peter at the chess table.

Peter: " Feeling better?"

I give him a nod

He smiles

Peter: "That's good"

He moves his piece on the chess board.

I feel him pass me a note under the table.

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