It wasn't Peter

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I grunt as I wake up from the best sleep I've had since being here.

As I sit up and stretch I notice that my legs are still a little sore.

My face heats up as I recall the memories from last night.

The love and comfort we shared together is something beyond explanation.

I look up at the clock.


Perfect timing.

I roll out of bed and straighten myself up before Peter comes in.

Jeez, when did I start caring so much about how I look?

I guess after seeing his perfectly styled hair, freshly shaven face, and nicely fitted attire everyday, it made me feel a little insecure about my own appearance.

After all, most of the time I look greasy and sweaty from all that I do here.

I shake my head trying to put all those thoughts away for now.

Time to focus on the now.

Tomorrow I break 016 out of here and the following day me and Peter escape.

Suddenly the door clicks open, interrupting my thoughts.

My face lights up expecting to see Peter with his welcoming smile but my expression quickly changes as I watch Brenner step forward.

Oh no...

He smiles and kneels down to my level.

Brenner: " 017, Today is a very special day for you"

Special day?

What, has this psychotic freak finally decided to let me go? Has it finally occurred to him that me being here is pointless because I possess absolutely no  superhuman abilities or talents?

Brenner: "Today is the day you take part in the reason I brought you here"

I knew it..

Brenner wanted me for something, he didn't just bring me here for nothing. I've had a purpose this whole time, all this training has been for one reason and one reason only.

He wants my help to close a gate.

He failed with Eleven.

He wants to use Brains over power now.

My brains.

He wants this all to end because it's gone too far.

I'm pretty sure my friends are experiencing the results of his carelessness right now.

I grit my teeth.

I promised myself I wasn't going to become one of his little science experiments. One of his little lab rats.

And I still intend to keep that promise to myself.

He holds his hand out for me to take.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door and me and Brenner look towards the doorway.

It's Peter.

Brenner: "What is it Peter?" He asks sternly.

Peter: " After looking over the schedule for this week, it appears that your plans for 017 should be moved to sometime next week."

Brenner gives him a questionable look.

Peter: "Look here sir".

Brenner stands up and makes his way over to Peter whose holding the agenda for the week.

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