I wanted him

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Me and Peter slowly creep our way to the door, trying not to make a sound.

I look under the door's crack to see the shadow of the demodog slowly step forward.

I hold my Breath.

Peter looks at me.

We're both doing everything we can to not make a sound.

I feel as though the creature can hear our hearts racing.

It sniffs under the door.

I wonder if it can smell fear.

Then it walks away.

Me and Peter wait a little longer, making sure it's actually gone before we release the breath we've been holding in.

"Jesus" I gasp.

Peter slowly cracks the door open.

He looks down both halls to make sure the coast is clear.

Peter:" come on let's get out of here before it comes back" he whispers.

I give him a nod, still not sure if we should be talking yet.

We slowly sneak out of the room.

Then we bolt down the hall in the opposite direction.

My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest, this should not be as scary as it feels.

Suddenly, as we turn the next corner we're faced with, yet again, another foggy hallway.


I look in every direction for Peter but the fog won't allow me to see my own two feet.


Neither of us can call out to each other either because that thing could still be around.

Then I hear it.

The sound I was dreading to hear.

The sound of it's low growl.

It's close..

I step backwards slowly.

I'm not sure where it is but maybe if I walk back from where I came,  I can get out of the fog.

Suddenly I slip and fall backwards hitting my back on the hard floor.


I look down to see what I slipped on.


Oh no.

The sound of it's growl is heard right behind me.

I turn my head only to be face to face with the demodog.

I scream and struggle to get on my feet, when I finally do I dart down the hall.

I can't see where I'm going but it doesn't matter anymore.

I'm probably running faster then I've ever ran before.

I hear it's claws scratching the floor as it runs behind me.

My head is racing and my heart is pounding.

The fog is making it difficult to breathe.

Suddenly I start to see the end of the hall.

Finally, at least now I can see where I'm going.

Once I'm out of the fog I turn right then left then right again.

I feel like I might pass out with how much I'm panting.

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