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Once I hear the click of the button, the robot charges at me.

I was expecting it to be fast, but definitely not that fast.

It has sharp blades coming out of it as it spins in a circular motion.

I jump out of the way but not before the blade slices through the skin on my arm.

I wince at the pain and look to see a stream of dark red blood flowing down my arm and onto the floor.

Holy shit, the little kids are fighting these things?!

I notice Peter step forward, his expression looked worried.

I hold a hand up signalling him to stay put.

I told him I like a challenge. And it is a challenge that I will face.

I untie the strip of cloth in my hair and wrap it around my cut.

Why is it that I'm always the one getting hurt?

I scoff in annoyance.

Not for much longer..

The robot turns around and charges at me again.

I have to think of something quickly.

Then I remember the marbles in my pocket.

I grabbed probably about 5.

I quickly slip one in my hand.

I look straight forward at the robot approaching.

I throw the marble in the air and catch it with my hand, over and over again.

Come on, just a little closer..

Finally the robot approaches the point on the floor that I needed and I throw the marble to my left at the wall.

It bounces off the right wall then off the back wall, and then finally straight through the robots mechanism chamber on the back of its head.

The green eyes go black and it falls to the ground.

I smirk and walk up to it putting my foot on it.

"Not so scary now, are you?" I whisper smirking.

I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and look up to see Peter.

Peter: " Clever as always" he smiles.

I smile back.

I glance up at the clock.


I let out a shakey breath and look back at Peter.

"It's time.."

He nods.

Peter: " I know I said we didn't need to disable the cameras, but the camera in this room will be a problem. How a-"

Suddenly the camera screen and lens break and come crashing to the floor.

Peters eyes widen and he turns to me.

"No it won't" I smile.

Peter: "How did you-"

I point to the floor.

Peter looks down.

A small marble rolls up to his feet.

He crouches down and picks it up, studying it.

He smiles

Peter: " Who knew such a small thing can cause so much trouble".

I laugh.

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