The session begins

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After gathering all the things I need for tomorrow's training I walk over and sit at a small table.

I look around the room.

It's quiet.

For a child's "play room" this place sure doesn't get noisy.

Then I realize why.

The children are practicing. Their lifting objects around the room both big and small. The room needs to be quiet in order for them to concentrate.

Time to test my theory.

I pull a marble out of my pocket.
I slowly let it fall from my finger tips as It hits the floor with a loud echoing sound.

Suddenly all the children's concentration break as the objects they were practicing with come crashing to the floor.

They all look at me in annoyance.

"Sorry, my bad" I say holding my hands up.

They all stare a little longer then go back to what they were doing.

Can't use your power when it's too noisy huh?

I smile.

(Time skip)

Many children are still practicing while some of the others have gone and done some activities that require little to no noise such as coloring and chess.

After a while Brenner comes marching in again. Peter following closely behind.

Brenner: "line up children"

Children: "yes Papa"

Role call is taken before bed to insure everyone is here and accounted for.

He lists off the names in order, leaving out the first 5 numbers.

I understand that 4 of them are still in their rooms but what about 001?

Who is 001? Are they considered the original? The first?

I wonder what happened to them..

I'll ask Peter later if he knows anything about them, though he might not considering he's a new recruit.

After I say my "here" we're all dismissed back to our rooms.

Brenner escorts the first 6 back to their rooms while Peter takes the other 6.

We stay together single file as we drop each child off in order to their assigned room number.

I make sure to keep my hands in my pockets so the objects inside don't rattle around and make noise.

Finally we approach my room.

Peter opens the door for me and I make my way inside.

I crawl under the blanket and look over at him still standing in the doorway.

Peter: "I enjoyed today" he smiles.

I smile back. "I did too".

Peter: " Get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow".

He flicks the lights of and gives me one more glance before he closes the door and leaves the room.

I quickly take the items out of my pocket and put them under my pillow in a quick motion so the cameras don't detect anything.

I roll over on my side and let out a sigh as I close my eyes.

After a while of tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep.

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