The Visitor

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"Hey, baby! Why is the door locked?" A voice sounds from outside; a voice that I know all too well.

I look over at Clarke who is holding the sheet up around her as she starts to grab her clothes. I can tell that she recognizes the voice too. She gives me a worried glance, like she's the one who doesn't want to be caught with me. The thought hurts more than I'd like to admit. She grabs her pants and chucks mine at me.

"Hurry up and get dressed." She hisses as she throws my shirt that smacks me in the face.

"Clarke, I really don't know how she's here. I promise I've never brought anyone else up here." I whisper back as I step into my jeans.

"Whatever, Bell. Just tell me there's a back door that I can sneak out." She pulls her shirt over her head and I hate hearing how callus she sounds. She really must not think much of me.

"Princess, I really am not that kind of guy." I reach out to grab her arm and she just looks away.

"It's fine Bell, just like last night it was fun and hey, you helped me forget about my problems for a good couple of hours. So, thanks." She steps into her red shoes.

"Baby, are you sleeping? Let me in." The girl calls from outside and she bangs on the door again.

"Thanks? That's all you're going to say?" I ask feeling like I've been slapped.

"Yeah, now how can I get out of here without your friend seeing me?" She gives me a cool stare.

I pull my shirt on and step into my boots as I try to calm my raging temper. Her callus words are making me angry. I know that I should control my temper but something about her just brings it out worse than with other people. I look around the cabin pointedly.

"What? Do you think I built a smugglers hatch or something for all of my whores?" I spit at her.

I instantly feel bad when I see the hurt in her eyes before they go blank again.

I step closer to her again and even though all I want to do is wrap my arms around her I hold them down. "Listen, I'm sorry, okay? It's just that I like you and I don't want you thinking that I think of you as just someone to have fun with. But, I'm also stressed because I didn't think anyone knew about this place. And if Kennedy knows then her dad will know. I've lost my one place that I could be myself. I never really cared about it but all of a sudden I actually want someone to know who I really am. And if she sees you here then it's all over." I take a deep breath and look down.

Clarke hooks her finger under my chin and tilts my head up so that I can see her eyes burning with an emotion that I can't place. "Bell, I get it but I really don't want her to see me either. I have my own demons that I'm running from. Just tell me where to go."

"Okay, well there really isn't a way out. I have a closet." I say and cringe.

"Fine, I'll hide in the closet. But, you seriously owe me." She winks.

"I did have to talk to your mom..." I joke as I open the door for Clarke to get inside.

"Bellamy! I'm sick of waiting! Open the freaking door!" Kennedy yells and kicks the door.

"Don't get your panties in a knot, Ken! I'm coming!" I open the door to see a livid Kennedy. As soon as she steps inside her anger changes to disgust.

"Ew. You actually choose to be in this dump?" She pinches her nose as if it has a foul odor.

"What do you want Ken?" I ignore her question.

"Where's the whore?" She asks with a flick of her wrist.

"The only whore here is standing in front of me." I say and give her my best glare.

"Tsk, tsk, Bellamy. That's no way to talk to your girlfriend. Now where is she?" She smacks me on the chest and lets her red nailS scratch me just enough to leave a mark as a warning but all I am worried about is the fact that Clarke can hear us.

A/N Sorry for it being late. I already have the next chapter written though so I'll put it up tonight. Just a heads up trouble is on the way, if you couldn't guess that already.

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now