Dealing With the Devil

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"Ken, why are you here?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"I'm here to see you obviously. You left the party so early I didn't get to give you your present." She leans forward so I can feel her hot breathe on my ear. It makes me feel physically sick. Once again I'm hit with the question of how I've been able to be near her for so long.

"It was O's birthday; not mine. I don't need a present." I take a step back and before I can go farther Kennedy shoves me against the wall.

"Bell, do you remember that time in my dad's office? Wasn't that fun? We could do something like that here." She licks my ear and I have to close my mouth to keep from puking. At the same time I can feel the stirring in my stomach and hate myself.

"Ken, I'm not in the mood. I came here to be alone." I try to push her off of me but she holds steady.

Her tongue pulls back and then her teeth graze against my earlobe and nip it just hard enough for it too hurt more than cause pleasure. "We both know you came to be with that blonde bimbo and I really don't care. I have never cared about the other girls, but don't forget who actually owns you. If you step out of line I have no problem with ending you and Octavia. If you need help I'll make sure Clarke knows just who you belong to." She whispers in my ear so that I can barely hear her haunting threat.

My blood instantly freezes and I feel a chill run up my spin. I know that she will follow through with her threat if she so much as sees me looking at Clarke again. The only way to fix this is to do something that I know will make Clarke hate me more than anyone has ever hated me, besides myself.

I slide my hands up Kennedy's arms from where they were trying to push her away and let them go to her wrists. I slowly pull our hands up so they're above her head and shift so that my left hand is holding both of her wrists. "Kennedy, baby." I whisper against her lips.

"Yes?" She asks with a giddy, psychotic look in her eyes.

"Don't worry about that trash. She's nothing to me. I just had a bet with Atom going to see who could get in her pants first and you know how much I like to win." I hits me how screwed up Kennedy is that I can say this and she's more turned on then if I were to buy her roses and chocolate. In fact when I did that she ripped them all up and burned them before asking for her real present.

"Is she here?" Kennedy asks in a silky smooth voice after biting my lower lip. She says it so quiet that I know Clarke can't hear her. I regretfully nod my head knowing that Kennedy must have seen us come up here. "Good, she'll enjoy this. Get her out here or I will make sure that Murphy has some fun with Octavia. In fact he's on his why there right now." I see the glint in her eye that tells me she's not bluffing.

I wish I were stronger. I wish that I could have another way out, but I know that I can't. Clarke will hate me but at least she'll be safe and so will O. That's the only reason I'm still here; to keep O safe. Kennedy lets me pull myself away from the wall and I open the closet door.

Clarke stares at me with empty eyes and walks out with her head held high.

"Hey, skank. I hear you had some fun with my man." Kennedy says as she runs her hands up my arm to my hair. "He's good isn't he?"

Clarke doesn't say anything. She just stands there looking as if we were discussing the weather. I can't even tell from her eyes what she's feeling.

"I asked you a question." Kennedy hisses at Clarke.

"And I chose not to respond. He's all yours. And for your information I've had better, much better but I can understand why you haven't." Clarke looks Kennedy in the eyes and still doesn't back down.

"How dare you?" Kennedy slaps Clarke across the face. Clarke still does nothing. "There's no one better than my Bellamy." Kennedy says and before I know what's happening her mouth is on mine and I hear the door slam shut behind me.

Kennedy pulls back as soon as the door shuts and pouts. "Ah, she left. Well that's no fun. Bye, Bell." She saunters to the door and stops just in the doorway. "And remember if I catch you with her again my dad will be the least of your worries. Oh and speaking of that my dad wants to see you. He has a new job for you." With that said Kennedy, the she-devil herself, walks out after Clarke leaving me more broken than I've ever felt.

A/N Please don't hate me... :/ But, you can hate Kennedy all you want :)

The song is The Mess I Made by Parachute.

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