Spitting Coffee

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Wait, before reading or playing the song you should read the chapter and then press play just after reading the last part. It came on right after I finished the chapter and maybe it's just me but I loved it. The song is Lovesick Fool by The Cab.

"Hi, you must be Mrs. Griffin. I'm a," I pause for just a second, "friend of Clarke's."

"Are you the reason that she came home sobbing this morning?" She reaches behind her back just like I saw Clarke do when she was slipping that knife into her pocket.

Clarke was crying? What did I do? Was she really so upset about what happened? Did I hurt her? My mind spirals out of control thinking of all of the things that I could have done to make her cry.

"I'll take your silence as a yes, then." Mrs. Griffin looks down at me. "Why don't you come in so we can have a little chat?"

She opens the door wider and motions with her hand to welcome me into their home. Of course I have never felt less welcomed to enter a place. I want to just turn around and bolt, but I know Clarke is here and I can't leave before I know what happened. I take a deep breath and then step inside.

"Go ahead and take a seat and I'll grab us some coffee." She saunters out of the room leaving me alone. I expected to see pictures of Clarke and her parents on the walls and other homely touches but the walls are empty except for a dart board that has three knifes sticking out of it. They're all stuck into the bullseye.

Once again I am hit with the question: who is this girl?

"Cream or sugar?" Mrs. Griffin asks with a smile plastered on her face. This version of her is scarier than the one that answered the door. At least with her I knew that she was pissed.

"No, thanks." I want to ask for some cinnamon because I always have it in my coffee but I decide to not push my luck.

"So, you and my daughter? I'm assuming she was in your bed last night." She says after taking a sip of her coffee.

The coffee shoots out of my mouth when I choke. I wasn't expecting her to be so blunt. And so much for keeping this on the down low. I am reminded why I have chosen to not be the guy that girls bring home to their parents. I have no idea what to do.

"Mom, that is none of your business." Clarke says as she steps out of the hallway. My heart constricts with happiness at seeing her. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun and she still has my shirt on. I want to run to her and wrap my arms around her. Instead I sit on the couch frozen.

"You better watch it missy." Mrs. Griffin turns to her daughter.

"Or what you'll get me arrested? I need to get some air." She then looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Are you coming or not?"

I look from her to her mom and don't know what to do. I can tell that her mom is hurting, but at the same time Clarke looks broken. The redness around her eyes tells me that she really has been crying. I nod my apology at Mrs. Griffin and walk outside behind Clarke.

"You can leave now." Clarke says and looks away from me. She starts walking down the sidewalk away from me.

"Wait! Aren't you coming with me?" I ask thoroughly confused. She definitely asked if I was coming or not.

"I just said that to piss her off." She doesn't even look back; just keeps walking.

I catch up to her easily and grab her arm. "No, you don't get to just walk away. If you want to go somewhere let me at least give you a ride."

She twists her arm to make me let go. She turns around and looks up at me with sad eyes. I can see the tears welling inside them. I want to hug her but I don't think I could handle the rejection of her pushing me away.

"Bell, look last night was fun, but that's all it was." She says with a blank expression.

Fun? She thinks it was fun; just fun. I feel my heart begin to snap.

"You even said yourself that you like to leave. So, leave. I don't need you anymore. I got what I wanted and you got what you wanted. That's all it was about." She continues to stab the dagger into my heart then she turns on her heel and walks away.

I feel a choking in my throat and start to cough to get rid of it. It feels like there is a frog in it. I feel something on my cheek so I reach up and my finger hits the first tear I've cried since I was 7 years old. All because of a girl who did exactly what I usually do. A girl that I barely know. The first girl that I didn't want to leave.

What are you going to do Bellamy? Are you going to be a coward who stands on the sidewalk, crying while she leaves you or are you going to suck it up, jump on your bike, and stop her?

Hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. What do you think of this side of Bellamy. Until next time Stay Calm and Ship Bellarke! haha

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now