The Fort

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"Bell!" Octavia is running after me but I just go faster. I can't breathe let alone try to explain to Octavia that Murphy is in the fort, with a butt load of guns. He lost a bet and has to clean them all for the next three months. He can't have them in his house so no cleaning days he has them all dropped off at the tree house. Murphy is a scary enough guy without guns.

I stop running when I see her standing under the tree house with her hands on her hips. She is holding her hand up to block the sun from her eyes.

"That is one impressive armory you have up there." She says pointing up.

"Thanks. I like to hunt?"  I say it as if it's a question and mentally kick myself. Way to sell it, idiot.

"Yeah, Murphy was telling me about it."

My heart starts to race and my hands form into fists. I wonder what else he's told her or worse, what he's done. It's only been a minute or two at most. He hasn't done anything, I assure myself.

"Murphy? He's up there?" I ask in a low voice.

"Yeah, and to be honest he kind of gives me the creeps, which is why I'm waiting down here." She gives me an apologetic smile.

"It's not just you." I smile and she laughs. I turn to O just as she catches up. " I have to tell Murphy something. I'll be down in a sec. Wait here."

"Sure thing, bro. Just hurry." She taps the watch on her arm. I nod my head and hurry up the ladder.

When I get to the top I see Murphy sitting in the corner cleaning a shotgun.

"So, Clarke." He says as he flings the gun to snap it into place.

"Off limits." I say in the most authoritative voice I have. It's the one that makes any sane person buckle to my will. I just wish that Murphy were sane.

"Oh, has our might leader found his next conquest?" He smirks at me.

"Just stay back. Got it?" I grip the knife that's hooked to my belt.

"Chill out, man." He holds his hands up in surrender. "I won't touch her, unless she wants me to." He winks and I want to slice him open, but I just pull my hand away from my knife and back away from him to go down the ladder.

Murphy may be on my side but I will never turn my back to him. I know he'd have a knife stabbed in it so fast that I wouldn't even be able to say: I told you so.

"Finally, you took forever." Octavia smacks my arm when I stick my tongue out at her.

We hurry to the house because we have less than forty minutes before we have to be back at school. I'm glad once again that Octavia's birthday lunch is grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and fruit salad. It's an easy and fast meal. I unlock the door and let the girls go in before me.

"All right O, you know the drill. Go sit down and get ready to be pampered." I say as I walk to the kitchen.

"Yes! My birthday is the best!" She squeals and does a happy dance before sitting down on the couch.

"What can I do to help?" Clarke asks from behind me. I know I should tell her to go sit with Octavia, but I choose to be selfish.

"Are you okay with using a knife? Would you like to cut fruit?"

She laughs and nods her head. "Yes, I think I can manage. Where are they?"

"In the cup by the stove. They're pretty sharp so be careful."

"I know how to cut fruit Bellamy."

I love the way my name sounds coming from her. I revel in the feeling as I pull out the things that we'll need for lunch. I stop when I hear Clarke let out a little cough.

"Actually, will you help me with this first cut?" She flutters her eyelashes at me and I think I've died.

A/N Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. What do you think of the chapter?

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now