My eyes widen.

Peter:" I never meant to hurt you, infact that's the last thing I ever wanted. I was hoping I could get you out of here before you'd ever have to find out.. but then you asked me to go with you, for us to leave together, and at that point I got attached.. If you're able to believe one thing, believe this. I care for you. More then you realize. Ive always been independent, like I said. But now that I have someone I can call special to me.. I don't feel so alone."

My eyes soften.

I look down.

I don't know what to think or feel, I'm getting so many mixed signals and emotions.

What if this is just another lie, what if he's lying about not lying. What if our whole time together was a lie..

Another tear begins to roll down my face.

Peters finger gently catches it before it falls completely.

My eyes meet his.

He gives me his signature gentle smile and lets go of my arms.

He then turns around.

Peter: " I won't force you to do anything. You can leave and go home without looking back. I won't stop you."

"What about you, where will you go?"

Peter:" Im not sure. But I have to take care on a few things first."

Just as he was about to walk out of the room, I grab his hand, stopping him.

His head turns to meet mine.

"What will you do.."

Peter: "Something I wish I could have done a long time ago."

"Let me come with you"

The words just spill out of my mouth without me thinking.

This guy just basically admitted to killing his whole family! Why am I asking to follow him?!

I no longer have a reason to trust him. I no longer have a reason to care for him. So why..

He turns around, lightly grabbing my shoulders

Peter: " No, you must wait here. I'll come back for you when done."

More tears begin to fall as I grip the ends on my gown

God I'm such a mess

At this point I don't even know why I'm still crying or why I still even care.

He lifts my chin.

Peter: " Hey, look at me"

I look into his soft blue eyes. They've gone back to normal, they aren't as red.

Peter: " I promise ok.  I don't want you getting hurt. This whole time you've done nothing but try and protect me. It's my turn to protect you."

I start to hear the heavy sounds of shoes hitting the floor as they echo down the hallway like distant gunshots.

Peter: " I have to go."

He stands up and turns to the door but not before looking back at me one last time.

I watch him with the desire to chase after him but also the need to run away.

Peter looks like he wants to say something but he's already out the door before he does.

And I'm once again left alone.

(Time skip)

It's been about five minutes since Peter left and I haven't moved an inch. It's as if I really have been turned to stone.

Why haven't I run.

Freedom is just minutes away..

So why haven't I moved. Why can't I leave.

So many emotions are consuming me right now..

I slump to the floor.

Apart of me wishes I never found out. I wouldn't be feeling this heart shattering pain in my chest.

Suddenly the door starts to open.

My heart jumps.


My eyes widen at the figure stepping into the room.

016 steps in with a terrified look on her face.

She runs up to me crying with her arms out ready to hug me.

I stand up and before she can wrap her arms around me I slap her straight across the face with such force she stumbles backwards onto the floor.


016 looks up at me with wide eyes.

I pick her up by the collar of her gown


016: "017 WAIT, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" She cries


she starts sobbing

I grip her gown tighter.

"I'm going to enjoy this" I smile as I raise my fist.


I pause.

"What about Peter."


I throw her against the wall.

She hits her hand and falls to the floor sobbing.

"You're not worth my time."

Her brown eyes look up at me

016: " 017 I'm s-so-sorry.."

I slam my hand against the wall beside her head, making her jump.

"The name is Y/n. It never was 017 and it never will be."

I stand up looking down at her trembling body.

"I should have never saved you from that damn dog. I should have let it tear you to shreds. That's my biggest regret."

Her eyes widen.

I walk over and open the door, but not before I turn to look at her one last time.

"Have fun Being Brenner's little puppet for the rest of your pathetic life."

And I slam the door shut.

(Time skip)

I start heading to the Rainbow room.

When I turn the next corner my eyes widen at the hallway before me.

Hundreds of bodies lie before me covered in blood.

Lots and lots of


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