37| The Set Up

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I glared at my lawyer with so much fury and rage, I felt like I was going to explode

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I glared at my lawyer with so much fury and rage, I felt like I was going to explode. I clenched my jaw and tried to control my breathing. I have not been this angry in a long time. He had a grim look on his face. I have been sitting in his office for the past three hours. The atmosphere was tense. I was tapping my foot on the floor tenaciously. I am honestly surprised I have not made a hole on the ground yet.

"I'm very sorry Mr. Dominik." My lawyer opened his mouth again to speak.

I've paid this man so much fucking money so we would never come across a situation like this.

"What are my options?" I asked still breathing heavily.

I was trying to remain calm, but I was itching to take out my gun and shoot this incompetent asshole in the head.

The feds had a gigantic case on me, and even he looked scared. There is an informant who has been talking to the feds about all the illegal activities I've engaged in the past eighteen months.

"Quite frankly, I did all that I can. The informant they have is a credible witness. You're facing forty years to life in prison." He said crossing his hands together. "They are giving you up until tomorrow morning to turn yourself in."

I let out a cynical laugh. They must be out of their fucking minds. I am NOT turning myself in. They can all suck my dick!

I looked at my watch, and it was nine in the evening. I had less than twenty-four hours to rectify this situation.

I glanced over at Xander. He has been by my side this entire time. Our relationship has grown in the past three weeks since Cypress left. I still find him annoying, but now I can tolerate him.

Last night was the first time Cypress finally took my phone call. It was nice finally talking to her. Hearing her voice brought overwhelming happiness to me. I was supposed to meet her today, but I had an urgent phone call from my lawyer about this bullshit.

"Who is the agent on my case?" I asked hoping I would get a familiar name and I would just pay them off like I always do.

"Her name is Gladys Ramirez, she's straight-laced. She is one of the good ones." My lawyer sighed. "She's a tough one as well. Also, They are camped outside of your house as we speak to get you. They all already know you are a flight risk."

I nodded my head and took out my phone to call Eddie. I've been filling him in on this shit all day. He has been on a hunt for this informant the entire day. I have a clue on who it is. Actually, I KNOW who it is.

"I have a jet that is fueled waiting for you. It is set to leave in one hour. When we get this situation resolved you can come back, but as of right now you can't be in the country." Eddie urged.

"No, I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving her." I snapped before slamming my fist onto the desk.

"I know it is a hard choice to make, but you can't stay here. If the feds get you, there is no telling if you will ever come out." Xander said being the unusual voice of reason.

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