34| Charlene's Mistake

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"Hello, my love," Haroldson said as he placed Charlene's favorite flowers on her tombstone. The tombstone of their children was right beside her. He pressed a kiss on each of their headstones and sat on the grass.

"It looks like we have a little more time before we meet again my love."

He was so sure he was going to join them in the afterlife, but as always, nothing panned out the way he thought.

The chemo treatments had miraculously worked, and Haroldson was now in remission. For the past year, he roamed the earth waiting on his impending death. Now he was given a second chance. A chance to reconcile with the only family he has. His daughter. Cypress.

Cypress's name was originally Claudine, but he changed it right before he dropped her off in the hospital. It was a name that kept popping up in his mind. He knew one day he would find her. A Cypress tree symbolizes life and death. It gives hope for resilience and the afterlife.

"If only you can see her now. She looks exactly like you. God giving her your face is a gift and a curse." Haroldson sighed. "He found her." Haroldson frowned. "I failed again, my love. I thought that me not being in her life would protect her, but the monster found her."

Her birthday is soon. It's been almost twenty-five years since the tragic day happened. Charlene was a kind woman. Gentlewomen. A doting mother and wife. She did not deserve the death that was so callously chosen as her fate.

Sure it was Niko Dominik who was the one who pulled the trigger, but it was all under the orders of Joseph Paul himself. A cruel and cynical man who was convinced that Charlene in some egregious way belonged to him.

While on vacation in Haiti, he witnessed her. She was playing a game with the children of the neighborhood. Never in his life did he see someone so radiant. It was her joyous laughter that first got his attention. He was automatically struck by her beauty. He saw her beautiful dark skin that was kissed by the sun. He adored her beautiful face and her long eyelashes. She had a slender figure. He wanted nothing more but to get her in his grasp. The minute Joseph Paul saw Charlene he knew that he wanted her.

Unfortunately for him, Charlene had already fallen in love. She was set to marry Haroldson Belmont and move to the United States. Haroldson was the love of her life. She has known him since the tender age of eight years old. They were convinced that they were each other's soulmates.

Charlene turned down every one of Joseph's advances. It had become obsessive. It was insulting that a rich white man thought he could just come to her county and flash money in her face, and she would fall to his feet.

Charlene's mistake was believing he was a harmless man. In actuality, he was a diabolical monster. A man that was the leader of one of the most dangerous gangs in Paris. Haroldson knew what Joseph was capable of from a brief encounter with him.

Haroldson was trained since a child on how to be a soldier. He knew how to read people, and he read Joseph for everything he was. He knew that Charlene was in danger, and he would do anything to protect her.

Their life in America was difficult at first. Especially when Charlene became pregnant with their first child. Haroldson met Niko by chance. It was he who got him into the world as a hit man. Haroldson was a natural. He was quick on his feet and quiet. He soon adopted the alias H13.

It was only a matter of time before Joseph got word of this assassin. It enraged him when he discovered it was Haroldson. To see him living life with a woman who was supposed to be for him was insulting. It was as if he was mocking him.

Although several years have passed since he had last seen Charlene, he still thought about her... Everyday. When he learned she was pregnant with her third child he could no longer take the humiliation.

Niko Dominik was in a lot of debt. He promised to pay all of Niko's enemies in exchange for one job. To eradicate the Belmont family. As much as it had hurt to take the life of his darling Charlene. It's a decision that had to be done. If he cannot have Charlene. No one can.

Unbeknownst to Joseph. Niko never finished the job. He left one member of the family behind. The youngest Belmont child. Cypress.

When Joseph met her at the hotel opening it was like deja vu. Cypress was the replica of Charlene. Only this time she was younger and had more of a temperament.

Joseph was given another chance with the love of his life, and he knew he could not mess it up. Despite her relationship with the young Dominik, he will not let that stand in his way, Cypress will be his.

"Hello...friend." Haroldson heard a familiar male voice from behind him.

He knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up. Haroldson knew Niko was never dead. Like the coward he is, he faked his death. He has been running from Haroldson for years.

"Niko," Haroldson said calmly.

"I came to you with a peace offering," Niko stated.

He's been running from Haroldson for far too long. It was time for him to come to terms with what he did.

Haroldson stood up and turned his head to face the man he once thought was a friend. The man who let his greed cloud his judgment. The very man who killed his entire family in front of him all for $1 million.

"There is nothing you can ever say or do that will bring me peace Niko," Haroldson started crossing his arms.

Niko nodded his head. "I have done some fucked up shit in my life but that night will stay with me forever. You have to understand. I was in danger, my family was in danger. I had no choice." Niko said pleading his case. "I know it's too late but from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry."

Haroldson stood there. From the outside, you would think Haroldson was calm but he was everything but. He wanted to rip out Niko's jugular with his bare hands. Niko's sorry excuse of an apology will not bring his family back.

"I don't care to listen to you plead your case, I don't care for your apology." Haroldson gritted through his tightly clenched teeth.

Niko nodded his head and took a couple of steps over to Haroldson and handed him a small disposable phone.

"Joseph never left town. He is still here in the city. I just spoke to him. He has Cypress with him. He made it appear as if he is on an island. It's a trap. There are dozens if not hundreds of men waiting for my son and his crew to show up and kill them."

This is information Haroldson is already aware of. He found out this morning from a very trusted intel that it was a trap. He knew Cypress was not trapped on some island in the Caribbean. He knew exactly where Cypress was. Although she may not know, for the past 2 years, since that day they met in the restaurant, he has kept tabs on Cypress. He watched her every move. As much as he initially hated the relationship she developed with the young Dominik, he watched as his daughter fall in love.

Haroldson carefully examined Niko. He has lost a bit of weight in the year that he faked his death. He attempted to kill Candice because she found out how much of a worthless man he was. There is nothing Niko can say or do that will ever make things right.

"Niko," Haroldson said calmly. "Yes." He answered with a glimmer in his eyes.

Almost instantaneously, Haroldson took out his gun and aimed it at Niko's head. The bullet lodged from the gun and entered Niko's skull, instantly killing him. Niko in no way seen it coming.

Satisfied with his quick death, Haroldson placed his gun back into his waistband and walked back in the direction of his family's grave site.

"Rot in hell Niko, I'll meet you there."

Haroldson then turned his attention back to the grave. He kissed the tombstone of his dead wife and children and got in his car. It's been seventeen days since Cypress has been captured and now was the time to rescue her.

"I will get her back Charlene. I swear." Haroldson said out loud to himself before he started his car.


Author Note
How do you guys think this story will end? I am going back and forth on the original ending. I'm so indecisive 😭

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