When You're on Your Period

Start from the beginning

I wanna marry him

He's my main baby boo


Kyojuro Rengoku

Of course he doesn't know what a period is! He grew up in a house of boys!

He doesn't remember his mom's, or what his dad did to help.

Good thing Kenta is here!

He knows all about it, since he had to raise you and all. He tells Rengoku everything he has to do, but also says he's never tried to cuddle you because he's not that nice.

Literally... he said he's not that nice. Miya did it though.

So you do like cuddles on your period??? GREATT RENGOKU LOVES CUDDLES ALL THE TIME

So he barged in your room and asks you if you ever need anything, and then he cuddled with you until you ask for something.

He's giving you affection the whole week and even after.

I love him too he's my baby😣😍


Obanai Iguro

He doesn't know anything about it. How would he?

He still tries though, and because Tengen and his wives are ALWAYS over, they can help him figure out why you're acting more shy and introverted than usual.

And you know what they're suggestions were?


So now Obanai is wondering if Tengen dicked you down whenever you were on your period

But Hinatsuru shuts them all down and assured him that no; Tengen does not fuck you every time you're on your period🥰 clearing the air yk

Obanai is still sideying him tho but Hinatsuru gives him some actual good suggestions. Like chocolate and snacks and things you like, talking to you and allat.

Speaking of chocolate I want some cake and luckily I have someeee🤪

But Obanai brings you a bunch of stuff and you're so excited you hug him and don't let go until you fall asleep.

I love Obanai so much too bro my too three babies are Ino Rengaka and Obama


Sanemi Shinazugawa

He figured since you do so much for him, he should try to help you out. He knows all about what to do; of course he does. He's known you for years.

So of course, he buys you your favorite food and sits with you and cuddles you. So cute.

And on those rare days you want to be a little emo shit head, he leaves you be and checks up on you every hour.

What a great man. I love him🥰


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