"Why?" Draco's voice was getting louder and higher. "Shhh. Others are sleeping, Draco." Tom scolded him. Draco scoffed. He didn't seem to care about anyone else... Except me.

"Why are you so calm Tom? Your housemate hurt herself!" He whispered. His teeth was gritted as he looked down on himself for not stopping me.

"There's no use to freaking out. It will intimidate them." I nodded, feeling the warm tea slide down my throat, and I started forming words.

"If it will calm you down, I promise I won't burn myself. It was stupid anyway. I just want to fucking sleep." I grunted out. Burying my face in my hands I took deep breaths. I wish I can sleep. Why can't I? Why can't I be the normal twin? Why do I feel so bloody inadequate next to Harry bloody Potter?

"So the sleeping draughs don't work?" Draco asked before drinking his tea. He was tensing up at every sigh and quiver of my voice.

"Apparently. I might need to make you a different potion." Tom offered. I shook my head. I refuse for him to waste his time on a lost cause like me.
"Don't waste your talents on me, I'm fine." My voice came out in fractured syllables. Everything is getting too much. The pit in my chest deepened. My heart seemed to fight against my ribcage. Like it was trying to rip my body apart. I barely notice the tears going down my cheeks until I was pulled into a hug. My torso was being cradled against a lean body. His arms were framing my shoulders and back. I can feel him resting his chin on top of my head. "I got you," Draco murmured, running his thumb across my jawline, I started sobbing. I felt like i was choking on my spit and drool. Whimpering, my irrational thoughts started tumbling out of my mouth in fractured sentences.

I can feel Tom shuffle about, he took the tea kettle and refilled my teacup as I was trying to control the sound of my sobs and screams. My body was going through a series of jerks and tremors. I struggled against Draco's hold. But he was resolute in holding me together. I haven't cried this much in a long time. But I was placed in an unfamiliar school, my brother probably doesn't even like me and I'll probably be bullied in my house. My mom is all alone, I have a dark lord trying to fucking kill me, I wish I can be good enough for my brother and I simply,




Sniffling, I tried to talk but my words tumbled out of my mouth instead. My thoughts tried to rearrange themselves but it looked like scrambled alphabet soup.

"My brother won't even look me in the eyes. And I was looking forward to getting to know him." That was my sole problem. I desperately wanted to get to know the only living blood family I had, and he doesn't even want me. I cried as I hugged myself, trying to keep myself together. My fingernails dug into my shoulders.

"Shh, just hold me, it's alright." He cooed. I was hesitant in wrapping my arms around his torso. But I did and buried my face against his chest. My hands clutched the fabric of his hoodie. I used that to try to ground myself. That's when I noticed how taller he was than me. I shifted to sit on his lap. Muffling my cries against his soft green hoodie. It smelt like apples. I realized that I don't need a fire to warm me.

All I needed was him.

After a few hours, I calmed down as Draco traced soothing circles on my shoulder. Tom chuckled to himself. "Draco Malfoy, who knew that you were capable of showing affection." Draco scoffed.
"I can say the same to you when it comes to Morgan." Tom shrugged. "Touché."

I struggled, tightening my hold, I started apologizing. But Draco interrupted my first sorry. "You're hurt. Don't apologize for hurting." He pushed me closer to his body. Laying his cheek on my head, he started making conversation with Tom as I focused on the evening my breathing.

"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." (Draco x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now