𝟎𝟎𝟔 - 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 "𝐣"

Start from the beginning

"Why did you crack an egg on my head?" Skylar asked in anger as she felt on her head for the egg, but felt nothing. "Oh...you just faked it. You should see what it feels like." Skylar told Solar Flare, who nodded as she set down her magazine. Oliver went over to her and cracked an actual egg on her head.

Y/n, Oliver, and Skylar laughed as Solar Flare's hands went up in flames. Y/n followed Kaz as he got up and walked over.

"Right. All right, all right. Not bad. Let the genius with a capital "j" show you how it's done." Kaz told them.

"Capital "j"? Really?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry...genius with a lowercase "j"." Kaz corrected. Oliver and Y/n looked at each other with both concern and confusion.

*⃝   *⃝   *⃝

KAZ PLACED A quarter on the floor with a chuckle. The Great Defender, a superhero, walked into the rec room and Y/n's eyes went wide.

"It's the Great Defender! Big fan." Oliver told him with a gasp. "I love your power to create a defensive shield and make powers rebound off you."

"I'm really good at rebounding." He chuckled. "But there's something off on my "freeze throws"." He created an ice ball in his hand and turned to toss it to a trash bin, only to miss. "I can only make, like, five out of ten."

"Hey, what's that?" Kaz asked out loud, pointing to his quarter.

"Ooh! It's my lucky day!" The Defender gleed as he walked over to the quarter. He tried to pick it up, but it was stuck to the ground. After the third pull, the floor came with the quarter.

Kaz, Skylar, and Y/n laughed.

"Hey, does anybody know where the "caution: NO floor" sign is?" Kaz laughed as a man came out and placed a "caution: No floor" sign next to the hole.

*⃝   *⃝   *⃝

"GREAT PRANK, KAZ. Now we have to wash the Great Defender's suit." Oliver said, annoyed as he, Y/n, Kaz, and Skylar stood in the Mighty Med laundry room. "Wait—do you wash indestructibles in cold or warm?"

"I'll look at the tag. Whoa! He's an x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x...small?" Skylar said as she looked at the tag.

"He's the shortest person on his planet. He gets teased all the time." Kaz explained and Y/n nodded from next to him as she pushed up her glasses.

Oliver and Kaz put the suit into the washer.

"Hey, this machine has a "super-spin" dial. We should be done in no time." Kaz said before spinning the dial and starting the machine.

The machine started to light up and a suction was created in the room.

The group was pulled to the walls and were pressed against them.

"What have you guys done? The power of the super-spin cycle is connected to the earth's core. Everyone knows that." The Great Defender told them as he stood in the room, completely unaffected by the force in the room.

"Well why aren't you affected?" Skylar asked.

"I got a lot of traction. Have you seen the size of my feet?"

"Okay, what's gonna happen?" Kaz asked.

"We're all doomed!" He exclaimed, making the four scream. "Ha! I pranked ya back, Kaz!" The Defender laughed. "The super-spin cycle didn't do this. I did."

"What do you mean?" Skylar asked.

"I spun the earth on my finger. Like this..." The Defender demonstrated using a basketball. "But bigger...'Cause it's the earth."

"That is awesome." Kaz chuckled.

"But...the hyper-rotation will rip the earth apart!" Y/n added.

"Not as awesome."

"Don't worry. I'll just spin the earth in the opposite direction." The Defender tried to fly but his powers weren't working. "Oh, no! My powers. They're not working. That's why I'm here in the hospital."

"If you can't fix it, what'll happen?" Skylar asked.

"The planet will spin into the sun, destroying the earth and everything on it. That's what you get for pranking me, Kaz. This is all your fault."

Oliver, Y/n, and Skylar slowly turned their heads to look at Kaz.

"Well, the good news is there won't be any school tomorrow. Or ever." Kaz nervously chuckled.

" Kaz nervously chuckled

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