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I was supposed to update two days ago man I suck.


So here's your chapter, *starts to climb in a bomb shelter* and please don't murder me.

I'm actually serious, I feared for my life when I wrote this. Just ask Sabrina.

Also yes, I do know what I'm doing with Thaluke and no, they're not rushing into a relationship that's explained next chapter.

Today's question for who decides when I next update is: In Philosophers Stone, which Weasley kid was the first to cross the border into the platform?


Percy winced as someone shoved him, pressing their hands against his back, and pushing him forward with a laugh. Before he had even regained his balance it happened again, someone grabbing his shoulders and shoving Percy into another person that pushed him right into another. Percy gritted his teeth, and let out a heavy sigh as their taunts filled his mind as they shoved him.

"Hey freak, who are you taking to the Yule ball? No one I bet." One of them sniggered as they pulled the hood of his hufflepuff robes, pulling him back before sending a push that sent him tumbling towards the next person with a slight gasp.

"Nah, he's probably gonna ask his girlfriend." One of them sang, digging their elbow into his back as they spun him around into the next person.

"What, his friend the Quiditch Player? Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She's way out of squidy's league here, don't even know why their friends." One of them gave a laugh as they shoved him, Percy beginning to feel dizzy.

"No, he should ask her!" One of them screeched, delighted. "Hey freakshow, ask Rachel to the ball." She gave a cackle, lifting up of her feet as she 'gracefully' shoved Percy into the next person.

"Yeah! Ask Rachel to the ball!"

"Ask Rachel to the ball!"

"YO! Freakshow, ASK HER!"


Their words spun dizzily in Percy's brain as they started to spin him around before shoving him to the next person. For more then one reason, Percy felt like he might throw up. The Gryffindor robes of the people spinning him around blurred in a mess of scarlet and gold, and Percy felt lightheaded.

"Sure I'll go with you, Perce. I mean, who better then to go with then my best friend? Not like I was gonna go with one of these Gryffindor losers." Percy was suddenly upright, the Gryffindor's surrounding him dropped their hands and stared. Rachel was leaning against the pillar, her arms folded, a can of black paint dangled from one of her hands. A paint brush was sticking out of the open can, practically drowning in the black paint. "Besides, who else is gonna help me 'make a mockery of hogwarts' on the dance floor? Come on, Percy. We need to coordinate our robe colors." Rachel grinned at Percy, and Percy managed a bright smile.

"Also, if you can't even beat me in Quiditch, you shouldn't take out your poor sportsmanship on my best friend. Sore losers." Rachel pulled out her wand and flicked it, and the paintbrush rose from her can of paint, dripping.

For a moment, the Gryffindors didn't seem to understand what was going on. Then the paint brush swirled in mid air, paint flying off in swirls and loops. In a moment the brush was returning to Rachel's can of paint, and a satisfying, large black lettering was painted over their heads, overing in midair. The Gryffindor's looked above their heads, and were met with the big, bold words: SORE LOSERS.

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