Crush Killer | A Special

Start from the beginning

A familiar voice and pair of heels. Was that who he thought it was? Oh man, he really hoped it wasn't...

"M-Ms. [L/n]?" He let those words slip through his chapped lips as he sat up and held his face, squinting through his puffy eye to look at the figure to see if it really was who he thought it was. Sure enough, it was who he thought it was.

All of his thoughts of his face swelling disappeared and was instead filled with thoughts of wanting the Earth to open up and swallow him whole. Why did of all the people in this rotten world did it have to be the only one he actually liked and cared about what they thought of him? How pathetic and lame did he look to her? Oh gosh, she was never gonna like him now... that zero percent of her liking him back probably plumaged to the negatives to never be recovered again.

What shitty luck I have, is a single day free of misfortune too much to ask for?

"Nathan dear, are you alright?! You three! Go to the principals office right now and don't you dare try to sneak off! I know all of you and your names and I will call your parents about this matter!"

One second, your voice was filled with concern and worry for him (For him! Nobody ever spoke to him like that, not even his mother! Except when he was sent to have dinner with his father and she was worried he would screw up her future of possibly living in luxury...)  before turning venomous and strict the next. 

The three boys, James, Charles, (Ya see what I did there?), and Axel who were bullying him immediately paled and quickly ran off after nodding frantically at your glare. 

Everyone knew that when you got mad, you better listen to what you had to say or have a lifetime of regret. You were just that one teacher who was always calm, smiling, and completely harmless, but extremely terrifying and not to be messed with when pissed. Luckily the anger wasn't directed at him for once.

"Oh, how stupid am I?! The signs were all right in front of me and I didn't even notice!" You puffed out your cheeks angrily and scolded yourself, and Nathan couldn't help but blush at seeing your cute action. And he had front row seats to it too! Ah, he could die happy now...

"I'm so sorry Nathan, I failed as your teacher and let this go for long enough for you to get this hurt..."

You helped him get up and stared at him apologetically when you saw him cradle his face and how red it was. If you had gotten here quicker he probably wouldn't be hurt like this, but alas you couldn't turn back time. Only try to make up for it.

"It's not your fault Ms. [L/n], and you didn't fail! You're a really good teacher in mine and a lot of other peoples opinion," Nathan could only clench his fist and feel saddened that you thought this was your fault, he only hoped that you would feel a little better knowing he didn't blame you. But he didn't have much confidence in that thought, he didn't think he was worth so much that a word of reassurance would make you, or anyone for that matter, feel better.

"Oh Nathan, let's get you to the nurse's office and treat that okay?" You smiled sadly at him when you heard that he thought you were a good teacher before helping him stand up and brushing the dirt off of him. 

Nathan only nodded and also smiled at seeing your smile, it was just simply contagious and all the pain and embarrassment he felt faded away leaving him warm and fuzzy; he was even sure he fell for you even more at that moment if possible.

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