Moon River

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It was the next morning, Draco awoke at 6:45am, sliding out of bed to use the bathroom. Once he used the bathroom, he waddled back to bed, climbing in as Harry wrapped an arm around him, gently pulling him into his arms "M-Morning," "Morning." Draco leaned into his strong husband's arms, leaning his back against his chest, leaning over to grab his headphones, plugging them into his phone, playing a bit of Frank Sinatra, putting them on around his stomach. Harry brushed a piece of hair out of Draco's hair, redoing his ponytail as Lottie came in her parents bedroom.

Harry lifted her, resting her on his lap "Is mummy okay?" "Mummy's fine sweetheart, your little brother won't fall asleep." "Okay, is he kicking mummy's tummy?" "He is sweetheart." Draco took the headphones away from his stomach, sitting up "Mummy's fine now baby girl, come here." Lottie crawled up on Draco's lap, leaning her head on his chest "Mummy?" "Yes baby?" "Wee wee." "You need a wee, come on then sweetheart." Draco got up, with Lottie on his hip. He walked towards the hall to the bathroom, pulling Lottie's onesie down and her knickers, setting his daughter on the toilet. Once she used the toilet, Draco wiped her clean, getting her dressed "Let's get you back to bed, sweetie." He picked her up as she laid her head on his shoulder. Draco flushed the toilet, walking his daughter back to her own bed, noticing that she had fallen asleep on him.

Draco laid Lottie down in her bed, pulling the duvet over her as Harry came in as Owen kicked him hard in the ribs "Is he awake again?" "Yeah, I think he knows that I want breakfast." "Alright, my love." Draco walked out of his daughter's bedroom "Do you want a cup of tea?" "I'd love one." Harry placed a kiss to the tip of his nose "I read ways on how to induce. Want to have a spicy curry tonight?" "Not too spicy!" "I know. I'll make it less spicy for us tonight." "Okay," The two walked downstairs and Draco placed one hand on his stomach, sitting on the sofa.

A few minutes later, Harry came in with two cups of tea, placing Draco's mug in front of him, sitting behind him, placing both hands on top of Draco's "I love you." "I love you too." Draco leaned back, moving to sit between Harry's legs "Oi, you arrogant twat?" "Yes darling?" "I heard sex can induce labour too." Draco turned around and carefully straddled Harry's lap. Harry held him around the waist, pulling him in closer "Are you sure?" "Actually later on before bed." "Okay, my love, what now?" "Cuddles for now." Draco sat back between his legs, leaning his head on Harry's chest "Can I have some back tickles?" "Of course." Harry sat Draco up a bit, lifting his top up, stroking his back with his nails slowly "I love back tickles." "I know you do, want to help me with tonight's dinner?" "Sure."

A few hours later, Draco was in the kitchen, one hand on his bump as Harry came over, kneeling down, lifting up his top, kissing his bump softly, standing up, kissing his cheek softly "Now, do you want to help me or do you want to get dressed and comfortable?" "Dressed." "Sure, need any help?" "I'm all good." Draco walked upstairs, walking into the bedroom, getting out a pair of black maternity jeans, and a polka dot wrap blouse. He got dressed, sitting on the bed, trying to pull his socks on, but struggled and threw them across the room, as Lottie came in "Mummy, do you need daddy?" "I do, sweetie." Lottie made her way downstairs.

Lottie walked in the kitchen, tugging on Harry's jogging bottoms as he picked her up "Hey sweetie, is everything okay?" "Mummy needs you." "Go sit in the living room for now, darling." She nodded. Harry put her down, running upstairs "What's wrong?" He asked and he shook his head, whimpering. Harry rushed over, kneeling down in front of him "Are you in pain or anything?" "No." "Then why are you socks all the way over there?" "I couldn't get them on." Harry grabbed his socks, pulling them on one by one "There we go, sweetie." "Thank you." "No problem." Harry helped him up and helped him out of the room, walking downstairs with Harry behind him. Draco sat on the stairs, out of breathe "These stairs are killing me." "I can tell," Draco heard his phone ringing as Harry brought it in "Mum?" "Hi honey, how's the baby?" "He's doing alright, I'm sitting on our stairs." "Why?" "I'm out of breath." "Poor you. Do you need me or your father?" "Can you possibly make your way over mum?" "Of course, sweetheart. I'll leave now." "Okay, I love you mum." "I love you too, sweetheart." Draco hung up, getting up, walking in the living room, walking in the garden, walking over to the swing, sitting down.

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