Let's fall in love for the night

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Draco awoke the next morning and turned to Harry with a smile as he smiled back "Morning." "Good morning, my sweet one." Draco smiled, sitting up, rubbing his eyes "How does it feel to be out of Wales, Harry?" "Much better, you?" "I like it here." "I'm glad." Harry sat up with Draco, playing with Draco's hair as he looked at him, leaning forward and pecked him on the lips, pulling away, getting up, walking along the hall to the bathroom, closing it behind him. Once Draco used the toilet, he walked across the hall to Lottie's room, walking in, walking over to her, kissing her head softly, walking into Owen's room, playing with his dark hair, walking back to bed.

Harry saw him coming in from their bathroom "Since when was there towels hanging up on the door?" "I just noticed, it's easier, we had terrible jetlag last night." "I know, we both went to bed until this morning." "I know, we were knackered. Being on a plane for 7 hours on the way back killed me, and killed my neck and back." Harry came over, standing behind him and placed both hands on his neck, massaging his neck, getting the knots out of his neck "Get back in bed and wait for me." He nodded, walking over to their bed, getting under the covers "Are the children still asleep?" "Still out of it. Harry?" "Yeah?" "I was an arsehole throughout our entire honeymoon, and I'm so sorry." Harry sat on the bed with him, cupping his face "I've told you this already, your weren't an arsehole babe. Come here, you silly sausage." Draco crawled onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him. Harry wrapped his arms back around him. Draco buried his face in his chest as Harry played with his hair, pressing a kiss to his head. Draco reached over, getting the blanket, wrapping it around himself as Harry pulled it over the blonde further to keep him warm.

15 minutes later, Harry stopped playing with Draco's hair and noticed that he had fallen asleep. He laid him down, lying next to him, wrapping an arm around him as he moved back, leaning against his chest with a small smile as he slept in Harry's arms.

Harry got up, tiptoeing out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him, making his way downstairs, walking in the kitchen, making himself a tea. Once he made himself a cup of tea, he placed it down on the coffee table in the living room, walking upstairs where he saw Draco who had moved on his right side. He lay next to him, stroking his cheek as he opened an eye looking at him with a tiny smile, and Harry smiled. Draco closed his eyes again as Harry rubbed his side slowly as he hummed quietly, curling into the duvet. Harry placed a hand on the small of his back, rubbing his back in circles.

It was hours later when Draco awoke, getting out of bed, walking downstairs where Harry was. He walked over, wrapping his arms around him "Hey sleepyhead." "Hi." Harry turned around, wrapping his arms around Draco's waist as they both heard a knock to the door. Draco ran in the hallway, opening the door "Mum?" "We've moved to be closer to you two, just around the corner," "Okay. Me and Harry were talking and I was thinking about next January, we could all go away as a family." "Are your two angels coming?" "Yep." Lottie came downstairs, walking over to Draco who picked her up "Hey sweetie." "Nanny!" Narcissa stepped in, taking Lottie into her arms "Hi sweetie, go find your daddy, I need to talk to mummy for a bit." Narcissa put her down as she ran in the kitchen where Harry. She tugged at his joggers "Yeah?" "Nanny asked me to come to you as mummy's speaking to her." "Alright sweetie." Harry picked her up, resting her on the counter to watch her to know that she's okay with Harry watching her.

A few minutes later, Draco walked upstairs, opening Owen's door where his eyes were open "Hi my little prince." Draco picked her up, walking over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room, sitting down, resting him on his thighs, pressing his index finger to his nose, lifting up, pulling him into his chest, rocking him gently, placing his hands on his son's little legs, making it like he was cycling. He gave his little boy deep eye contact, looking into his light green eyes as Harry stood by the doorframe with his bottle "Is that pumped or formula?" "Formula, is that okay?" "It's perfect, do you want to feed him, I really need a wee." Harry came over, taking Owen from Draco's lap, sitting down when Draco got up. Draco ran towards the bathroom, closing the bathroom door, flipping up the seat, relieving himself with a light sigh. Once he relieved himself, he sorted himself out, flushing the toilet, walking in the bedroom, closing the door, walking over to his wardrobe, opening it, getting a package out, placing it on the bed, getting out a pair of white long socks.

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