Chronically Beautiful

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It was five months later and it was the day to get Draco's braces off. He awoke that morning and turned to Harry who was slowly waking next to him "Morning gorgeous." "Morning baby." Lottie came running in her parents bedroom, jumping on the bed, squashing them both. Draco held around his daughter's waist "Good morning baby girl." She gurgled, looking at him. Lottie snuggled into Draco's chest "Sweetie, how you feel about spending today with Nana Cissa?" She giggled "And you get to see Granddad honey, as I have to get my braces off. Go and get put in one of your pretty dresses and we'll take you to see Nana." Lottie looked at him, before blinking, Harry lifted her off of the bed, walking into Lottie's bedroom getting her changed in a pretty pink dress with white tights.

Draco got up, walking in the bathroom, brushing his teeth with his electric toothbrush. Once he brushed his teeth, he flossed, walking back to his bedroom, and got butterflies in his stomach, sitting on his bed, taking his elastics off for the final time as Harry came in "Have you taken your elastics off?" "For the final time, I'm scared." "You were scared the first time, but you did so well." He nodded, getting up, getting dressed in a white long sleeved top and leggings. He walked downstairs where he saw Harry feeding Lottie some juice "Hey you." "Hey, let me feed her, get yourself dressed." "Alright gorgeous." Harry handed Lottie to Draco who put the bottle back into her mouth, resting her on his lap, her head resting in the crook of Draco's arm.

A few minutes later, Harry got dressed in grey skinny trousers and a black top. While he was doing up his belt, he got an email. He sat on the bed, checking his emails, reading the recent one, walking downstairs "Baby?" "Yeah?" "Come here please." Draco got up, walking in the hallway as Harry grabbed his fiancé's hand "Yeah, what is it?" "I got an email from the hospital." "Yeah, what one?" "The one you work in now." "Prince Phillip Hospital?" "Yeah that one." "I sort of got a job in Wales." "You did not." "I did baby." Draco walked over to Harry, wrapping his arms around him. Harry wrapped his arms around him tight back, lifting Draco up as he kicked his feet, wrapping both of his legs around his waist "It'll take us half an hour to get there from where we live to Narcissa's." "Okay." Draco walked into the living room where Lottie was leaning against a pillow to sit up without support. Draco held his daughter's back, picking her up, resting his daughter on his hip.

Draco got Lottie in her car seat, getting in the front as Harry got in with Draco's shoes and bag "Here baby." "Thank you." Draco pulled on his heeled boots, putting his bag beside his feet as Harry drove off to Draco's parents.

Half an hour later, Harry pulled into Narcissa's driveway as Draco got out, getting his keys out of his bag, walking up to the front door, unlocking the door "Hi honey, is it time?" "Yeah, Lottie fell asleep in the car." "Aww, bless her, let me grab her then Lucius and Scarlett can look after her while I take you." "I'd love that." Narcissa took the car seat out of Harry's hand, bringing Lottie inside. Draco walked upstairs to his bedroom, putting his bag down, running to the bathroom to use the toilet. Once he used the toilet, he looked in the mirror, running his tongue along his pink and black brackets as Harry came in "Ready to go?" "Let me change my shoes, hold on." Draco walked in his bedroom, getting his pink slip on vans, slipping them on his feet, pulling on his light blue jean jacket, walking downstairs where Narcissa and Harry were ready to go.

Soon, Narcissa pulled into the dentist driveway, getting out as Draco got out, walking around to the entrance, opening the heavy door which he struggled and Harry opened it for him, grabbing his Draco's hand, lacing their fingers together "Excuse me?" "Yes?" "Appointment for Draco Malfoy." The receptionist looked up his name "Go wait in the waiting area and then you'll be called." "Thank you." "No problem." The three walked in, and waited.

Once Draco was called, Harry walked in with him "Is it time for them to come off?" "Yeah." Draco sat on the chair, taking off his jacket, handing it to Harry with his glasses. He laid down and was then put on sunglasses "You look very cool darling." Draco giggled as the lip retractor was put in his mouth. The dentist removed his brackets first which was quick. She next moved to get a plier to remove all of his braces one by one, but it only took a minute and a half which was also equivalent to 90 seconds, which caused him no pain whatsoever.

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