Someone to spend time with

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Draco awoke the next morning, turning to look at Harry before sliding out of bed quietly to not wake his fiancé up as he grabbed him by the hand as Draco got pulled back to bed. Harry crawled into his arms, lying his head on his chest "What's up baby?" "I'm just tired, and your comfortable." Draco wrapped his arms around Harry who snuggled deeper into his arms. Draco kissed his head as Harry's eyes started slowly opening "Good morning, handsome." "Good morning, beautiful." He hoisted himself up, pulling the blonde in for a kiss. Draco kissed back, pulling away when they both heard Lottie start crying.

Draco got up from under Harry, walking into Lottie's room. He picked her up, gently rocking her, patting the side of her hip slowly as Harry came in "Hey you," "Hey." Draco came over to him with a sleepy Lottie, who wouldn't go off to sleep "Can she not sleep?" "No." "Does she need a change or a feed?" "I tried feeding her but she turned her head away," "Check her nappy just in case." Draco lowered her on the changing table, taking off her baby grow and unbuttoned her vest, checking her nappy "Babe, nothing. Just get me a new one and wipes." "Okay." Harry handed him a clean nappy and wipes, as he put a new nappy on her, getting her dressed in new comfortable pyjamas as she started crying.

Harry picked her up, resting her on his hip, walking downstairs, opening the fridge, getting a teething ring out, holding it out to her mouth, putting it against her gums as Draco came down "She was teething all along." "Oh god, she's two months so it's normal in infants." "Your right." Harry sat on the sofa with Lottie on his lap, ring in her mouth "Do you want me to drive to Boots to get her some gel for her gums?" "You could do, it may be able to help." "I think it might help her." "Yeah." Harry handed Lottie to Draco as he held the ring against her mouth as she sucked on it "I can't believe you have this in the fridge." "I have my ways." Draco smiled as Harry sat next to him.

The blonde looked at Harry, who looked at him "If you call my mum, she should be at her other home in Carmarthen." "Okay, send me it and I'll drive down there." "I will, there is traffic when you get to Carmarthen station and around the roundabout, and when you get there, call me." "I will honey, let me get ready and then I'll go." "Okay." Harry ran upstairs to get dressed. Once he was ready, he came downstairs, pulling on his trainers, getting his car keys, walking over to Draco and sat next to him. Draco placed Lottie in the fluffy rug in her gate, walking back over to Harry, straddling his lap, and placed his lips to Harry's. Harry closed his eyes and kissed back. Harry slid his tongue over Draco's lips as he opened up. Their tongues met as they both moaned. Harry pulled away, moving to kiss Draco's neck, "Can I come with you? I need to speak to Scarlett." "Of course, is Lottie coming?" "Obviously, we can't leave a two month old on her own." "True."

Draco ran upstairs and got dressed in a grey and white dungarees with a white long sleeved top. He walked downstairs while brushing his hair. Harry took his hairbrush out of his hand, gently brushing his hair through "There we go, you had a knot in your hair, I had to brush it out for you." "Thank you baby," Draco kissed his cheek "Baby, I just realised that your not growing," "What do you mean?" "Your still around the 5'1 mark," Draco looked up at him "But I love you, I don't care how short you are, I couldn't care less because I love you, if I have to lean down to kiss you, I have to lean down to kiss you." "Okay, what about standing on your toes?" "That's fine, when we get married and you wish to stand on my toes during our first dance, you may, I'm not going to get upset or angry with you because I love you so much." "I love you too." Draco walked up to the mirror in the hallway as Harry came through, wrapping an arm around Draco who turned around, wrapping his arms around him, getting his phone from the living room side, opening the camera, tilting Draco's head up, and gave him an Eskimo kiss, capturing the picture.

The blonde walked upstairs, getting Lottie's car seat, bringing it downstairs, picking her up, setting her in her car seat, putting her teether back in her mouth, holding it for her "Babe, I'm getting in the back to make sure she is okay." "Alright honey." The blonde got Lottie in the car, running back in to put his light pink slip on vans on, getting his handbag from upstairs, putting his laptop in there with his charger, putting the things from his black handbag into this bag. He walked back downstairs where Harry was waiting in the car. Draco closed and locked the front door, getting in the front "She should be okay in the back, she'll be asleep any minute." Harry turned on the ignition, as Draco buckled in, getting his laptop, turning it on, taking off his shoes, curling up, doing a little bit of work to keep himself occupied.

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