Someone new

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It was in the middle of the night when Draco awoke in the night, getting up, walking across the hall to where his sister, Scarlett, was asleep in her bed as she turned "Draco?" She mumbled "Come here." She lifted the duvet as the blonde climbed in, facing his sister "Draco.. what happened?" "You know, nightmares.." "About what?" "The bullying in year 10." "Oh love." "Can I lie with you tonight?" "Of course, do you want to lie on me or next to me?" "On you." "Of course, pick a place to lie your head down." Draco curled up to lie his head on his sister's chest as she brushed his blonde locks out of his eyes "Are you not dying your hair tomorrow?" "I am, blue." "It'll look cute on you, my blue haired brother." "Shut up." "I'll let mum know in the morning."

The hours went by, it was 8:45am, Scarlett awoke, leaving her younger brother in bed, pulling on her dressing down, tying it, walking downstairs where Narcissa was already awake, talking to her husband "Morning mum." "Morning Scarlett, sleep well?" "Not really, Draco came to me in the night." There was no time to continue before Scarlett ran upstairs after hearing Draco scream which awoke Harry. Draco shot up, a helpless whimper coming from his dry mouth. His whole body was shaking just like it had done 4 hours ago. His head was spinning, his stomach in bits and feeling horrible. Scarlett held him from behind "Same one again?" He shook his head "Different, it was a dream about being at the funeral of somebody I love," "And you love Harry?" He nodded. Harry came in "I heard you scream." Draco ran up to him, jumping in his arms. Harry held him "What's going on?" "Nightmare." Scarlett mouthed "You had a nightmare, did you baby?" He nodded. Harry walked into his boyfriend's bed, sitting him down on the bed.

Harry brushed his hair out of his eyes "What was your dream about?" "Death." "Oh honey.. Do you know why you have these?" "No." "Want to me to tell you?" "It'll be to scare me." "It won't, I promise, if you get scared, tell me." He nodded "Death, to the dreaming mind, is about change and endings. When you dream of death, ask yourself first what is changing or ending in your life or within you. The person who died in your dream most likely represents a part of you, some quality that you two have in common. If nothing comes to mind, then look at the person in the dream, and ask if that person is changing in some way. Is your relationship with this person who is me changing? The funeral is actually a good sign that you are letting go of that which is no longer viable to you, you are putting something to rest, so to speak, so that you can move on. Do you get what I mean?" He nodded, lying his head on Harry's shoulder "Who's funeral were you dreaming about?" "Yours." "Oh honey, shh, don't cry." Harry pulled him into his arms as he started crying in his arms.

An hour later, Draco calmed down and looked up at Harry. Harry's heart squeezes in his chest over how adorable Draco is at that moment "Can I get you anything?" "I'm feeling like going on a date?" "Are you sure?" "I'm sure, I just need to calm down." "Okay, I think I might know of something that might help." "What?" "Do you know what age regression is?" "No." "It's called little space. Little space is a state of mind you can freely enter that is younger than you are currently, also know as age regression. Age regression is a helpful tool in any adult or teenager's life, and is often overlooked as a legitimate coping method." "I want to try it, it sounds cute." "Okay, how about you get in a cute jumper and some jeans or anything of your choice and we'll go." The blonde soon had an idea and gasped "What is it? Do you want chocolate milk?" He nodded "I'll be back in a few minutes, get dressed for me, cutie." Draco shuffled on his bum to be away from Harry, getting his dinosaur jumper out and a pair of white skinny jeans. The blonde got changed into them, brushing his hair through.

Harry came up 5 minutes later with his drink in a pastel water bottle. "Hi cutie." "Hey," Draco stood up, taking the cup out of Harry's hand. Harry put his hair in two braids "You know how mum has her hair?" "Yeah?" "I want it like that but blue and blonde." "It'll look adorable when I braid it." "I know." Harry got something out from behind his back "I think this may help you, I ordered this weeks ago and it's just come." Draco looked up at him, sitting on his knees, taking it out of his hand, opening it, looking at the mint floral and rainbow pacifiers, He put the mint floral one on his lap, looking up at Harry. 

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