Lost the feeling

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It was a day later, and Draco was sitting in the new house on the kitchen counter, drinking a cup of tea as Harry came in, standing between his legs, taking a sip of Draco's tea, handing it back to him "Thank you." "It's alright, how does it feel to be in our own house?" "Scary, we haven't got our bed yet." "It's being delivered today with the pink headboard you picked out." "Okay." "As we've ordered the Ellis Velvet-Finish Upholstered Bed, it will be grey, is that okay?" He nodded "It'll look cute in our bedroom." "I know it will." Soon they both heard a knock to the door.

Harry went to answer the door "How can I help you?" "The king size bed you ordered." "Okay." Harry opened the door as Draco came in the hallway, helping Harry carry it upstairs "Thank you baby." "It's okay." Draco sat on the floor in the hallway, laying down. Harry came up with the headboard as Draco moved to lie on the carpet in the living room, getting up, walking in the kitchen, getting a bowl out and cake ingredients, getting his phone from the living room, looking up on google, finding a recipe for Salted Caramel cupcakes. He preheated the oven to 170C and lined a 12 hole muffin tray with large cupcake cases. He then creamed together the unsalted butter and light brown sugar with an electric beater until smooth. He then added the beaten eggs and self raising flour and beat again for about about 20-30 seconds on a medium speed on the electric whisk.

Harry came down once he heard the whisk, getting a glass of water "What are you making?" "Salted Caramel Cupcakes." "Sounds amazing, our bed's almost done building," "That's good, so we can finally get a good sleep tonight." "I know, finally." Draco got an ice cream scoop out of the drawer and scooped the batter equally into the rainbow cupcake cases. He put them in the oven for 20 minutes, setting the timer.

Draco walked upstairs to the bathroom, using the toilet. Once he used the toilet, he walked back downstairs as the blonde heard a knock at the door "Babe, the sofa's here!" Harry came downstairs, helping him bring the sofa in as they set it up together. Draco grabbed the pillows from the box, putting them on the sofa, sitting down, putting his feet up. Harry sat down next to him, getting the TV remote, turning it on, finding Spotify, turning on Colours of You - Nick and Charlie version, by Baby Queen. He walked in the kitchen, checking the timer, walking upstairs to where Harry was, putting the duvet covers on the bed, "I love that bedding." "So do I, it was your sister's, but she gave it to us as a moving gift." Draco got a phone call and took his phone out of his pocket "Scarlett?" "Hey lovely, how's the house?" "Great, Harry put on the bedding you gave us." "Aww, I'm actually in the area seeing Nana and Granddad." "Where?" "Are you in your pyjamas?" "No, I'm in jeans and a jumper." Draco walked in the hallway, pulling on his boots, walking out of the house with his keys "Babe, I'll be 15 minutes." "Alright, gorgeous, do you want me to take the cupcakes out?" "Yes please, and then leaving them on the wire rack, it's above the cooker." Harry walked in the hallway, kissing his cheek, closing the door.

Draco walked down the road where he saw his sister, he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her "Hi lovely." "Hey. The Malfoy siblings back in their home town." "Yeah. I was thinking if we could go down to the hospital, as I'll let them know I used to work in London at the hospital, and they might let me work there." "Sure." Draco walked over to his front door, unlocking the door, grabbing his sister's hand, walking her in, closing the door behind him "Can you wait in the living room for me?" "Sure." "Thank you, how's Lottie?" "She's doing really well," "That's great." Draco walked upstairs, where Harry was. He closed their bedroom door, crawling up on his lap, wrapping both of his legs around his waist, running his hands down Harry's waist and down his hips until he got to his groin, unbuttoning Harry's jeans, unzipping them slowly as he looked at him, getting off of his lap, getting one of the pillows at the end of the bed, bringing it over. 

Draco slid Harry's jeans off and lay his head on Harry's lap who started to stroke his hair "Is this why you wanted my jeans off?" "Yeah." Harry kept playing with his hair as he looked up, pulling his lips into a pout, wanting a kiss. Harry leaned down, giving his lips a soft peck, cupping his cheeks with his thumbs, pulling away as Scarlett came upstairs "Dragon?" "Yeah?" "If you need me, I'll be at Granddad's." "Okay, I'll call you." "Okay." She came up to him, and kissed his forehead as he rolled over, moving the pillow away as Harry lied down and Draco moved on top of him, lying his head on his chest. Scarlett smiled, leaving the house to get to her grandparents.

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