Never Ending Story

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Harry awoke the next morning, knowing it was Saturday morning and saw Draco curled up to him asleep. Harry stroked his hair as he lifted himself up, opening his eyes "Morning, beautiful." "Morning." He yawned, grabbing Harry's hand, lacing their fingers together "How'd you sleep?" "Alright, you?" "I slept okay." Harry rubbed his back as he looked up at him and they leaned in and their lips met. They pulled away when they heard the post box. Harry got off of Draco, walking downstairs to pick up the post, looking through it "Babe?" "Yeah?" Draco came downstairs "Yeah?" "There's one here for you." Harry handed it to him as Draco walked into the living room, sitting on the sofa, opening it.

Draco read through it, looking up at Harry, who looked at him with concern written in his eyes "What is it?" "Umm.." "Baby, what is it?" He looked down, putting the letter on the sofa next to him, walking over to Harry, wrapping his arms around him. Harry held him just as tight "Was it not good?" He shook his head "Oh honey, want to show me?" He nodded, getting it, giving it to Harry "Body Dysphoric Disorder? Oh darling.." Harry pulled back to sit on the sofa, patting his lap for Draco to sit down. Draco walked over, sitting on his lap, wrapping his legs around his waist, arms around his neck "I didn't know you went to get this done." "Before we left to live here, I booked the appointment in London and I've got the results back this morning." "Before you came out as non binary?" He nodded, "Oh honey, I'll help you with this." "Promise?" "I promise, I'll get you the help you want, and if you want me to help you, I can, beautiful."

Harry held him around his fiancé's hips, running his hands around his stomach "I know your insecure here, and I'm not going to treat you with disrespect or hurt you because your insecure." He explained as Draco nodded "I know you don't like it, sweetheart, but I do, angel. I love your stomach and the rest of you," "What about stretch marks?" "I love those, they're your battle scars, you're human baby. I promise there's nothing to cry about gorgeous, you're perfect and your stomach is perfect too. Tell me what else your insecure about?" "My little hands." "Your little hands, huh? They're adorable like the rest of you. I think you look perfect and nobody is perfect, I know you look at yourself, but I look at you a whole lot different that other people would." Draco started crying as Harry pulled him into his chest "Oh angel, it's alright." Harry rubbed his back.

10 minutes later, Draco calmed down and looked at Harry, eyes rimmed red with tears "Oh honey darling." Harry rubbed his back, moving to lie down. Draco on top of him, curled up into his chest "I know people have told you to eat but I'm never going to force you to eat or do anything if your not ready." "Thank you," "It's okay." Draco got up, walking upstairs to the bathroom. Once he used the bathroom, he walked back downstairs "I just thought about you said, earlier, and I sort of felt a bit better." "That's great, beautiful." Harry got up, walking in the kitchen, holding out his hand as Draco walked over to him, grabbing his hand "Do you want any of the sushi?" "Sure, little bit?" "Of course you can have a little bit." Harry got a plate from the cupboard, walking over to Draco, lifting him up on the counter, walking over to the fridge, getting the boxes out "So sweetheart, choose your pick." "The crispy chicken one, the salmon sushi roll and some sushi rice please." Harry sorted it all out for his fiancé.

Once it was sorted, Draco was sitting at the table as Harry came over with the plate, putting it in front of him, handing him chopsticks and a spoon for the rice "Thank you." "It's okay, eat what you can." He nodded, picking up the chopsticks "Help me please." Harry sat next to him, helping him work them, picking up a piece of the crispy chicken, holding it up to Draco's mouth as he opened. Harry put it in his mouth as he chewed it "Do I seriously have to feed you?" He nodded, swallowing "Is it good?" "Amazing, it's better than how it was when we were in London." Harry smiled and kept feeding his fiancé as he took the spoon out of Harry's hand and into his own hand "I'm glad that your almost there." Draco giggled. When he finished, he put the spoon down, looking at the empty plate. 

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