It wouldn't be fair

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Draco awoke the next morning and turned gently, getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom. Once he used the toilet, he walked back to bed where he saw Harry still asleep. He sat on the bed with Harry, moving one hand to his hair, stroking his dark locks slowly as one of his eyes opened slowly, blinking at Draco, opening his other eye, sitting up "Morning gorgeous." "Good morning." Draco leaned into his side and relaxed, looking at him "You seem much calmer this morning." Harry reached out and brushed a lock of Draco's hair behind his ear, kissing his cheek softly.

Harry slid out of bed, holding out his hands for Draco to grab onto to stand up. Draco grabbed onto Harry's hands, hissing softly "Do you need the toilet?" "No, I'm all good." "Okay darling. You make your way downstairs and once I'm done, I'll call around for kittens." "Okay." Draco smiled, walking downstairs to the living room, sitting on the sofa, lifting up his top, looking at the stitches and scar as Harry came downstairs and saw Draco looking at the scar, and crying. He ran over, pulling him into his chest as he gripped a top tightly in his hands "Oh sweetheart," He cooed, rubbing his back in circles slowly to calm him but he didn't stop crying "Does it hurt anywhere?" He nodded "I need to get my medicine from the chemist, but can you do it?" "What medication is it?" "Antibiotics." "I'll get that for you." "My prescription is in my jacket pocket." "I'll get it for you, I'm now going to let go of you, but I want you to lie down for me on your back or on your left side." He laid down gently and slowly as Harry got a phone call.

The brunette ran upstairs, getting his phone "Hello?" "Is this Doctor Potter?" "Yeah, speaking," He walked downstairs, sitting on the sofa, and Draco moved lying on his left side, hand on his right side of his stomach "Sorry, is there a problem in the Emergency department?" "Don't let you or your boyfriend come into work, there was a code pink alert." "Infant or child abduction?" "Unfortunately so. Can you explain what it is?" "Sure." "Thank you." "Infant abduction is defined as the act of kidnapping an infant less than six months of age by a non-family member.  Though infrequent by comparison to other types of kidnapping or exploitation of children, infant abduction." He explained, "This crime is of particular concern to paediatric hospitalists because about half of these events occur within the hospital setting. It plays on the fears of expectant parents and communities, and a successful abduction can be catastrophic for a hospital's image and reputation." He finished "Thank you." "No problem." Draco looked at him "How?" "I sort of studied science in college." "That's so cool, what were you GCSE science grades?" "All 9's, you?" "7s in Physics and Chemistry and 9s in Biology." Harry nodded, looking at Draco.

Draco looked back at him "Go and get my medicine, I'm sore." "Let me get dressed and then I'll go." "Alrighty." Draco looked at him with a small smile and Harry leaned down and kissed him softly. Harry walked upstairs, getting ready. Once he got ready, he walked downstairs, pulling his trainers on, walking in the living room "Would you mind cuffing them?" "Sure," Harry lifted one of his legs up to let Draco cuff his chinos for him. Once he cuffed them "I can't drink with my medicine so when we go out with our friends, I'll either need to drink water, lemonade or juice." "That must suck as were all going out tomorrow, me, you, Robin, Dustin, Anna, Tara and Olivia." He nodded, sitting up slowly to not hurt himself.

Harry got back up, walking in the hallway, getting his jacket, pulling it on, walking back in the living room "I'll be about half an hour. If you need anything or are in any pain, please call me and I'll come straight home." He nodded "I will." Draco sat up, swinging his legs off of the sofa, walking upstairs to get his phone, walking downstairs, getting back on the sofa and saw Harry's car out of the driveway and heard the house phone ringing. He stood by the sofa, hands shaking. He got up, answering the phone "Hello?" "Check your front door." He walked over to the front door, checking the peep hole and no one was there. "One question. Who was the ghost in the first stab film?" "Robert Rodriguez." "Incorrect, give me the correct answer or Lottie Louise Malfoy-Potter dies." "Was it Michael Chiasson?" "Correct. Your daughter stays, but Harry Potter, where is he?" "I'm not saying where he is!" "Three, two," "Fucks sake, he's at the chemist, picking up my medicine, I just had surgery!" "What surgery?" "Laparoscopic appendectomy." Draco hung up, putting the house phone down, calling Harry.

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