I will be right by your side

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Three weeks later, Draco was getting ready to go back home to London, he was packing his stuff as Harry came in, wrapping his arms around his waist, pressing kisses to the sides of his neck. Harry held him from behind as Draco grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together "If you try not to get upset while we're here, I promise I'll ask your mum to let you play whatever you want while we're on the way home." "I'll try," Draco sat on the bed, pulling on his black converses, "You know what?" "What?" "It has been three weeks since you made up with your sister, and your getting on really well." "Mmm." Scarlett came in "Mum's waiting." "We'll be out in a minute." "I'll let her know." Scarlett walked back out.

Draco got up, walking out and to the car, bag on his back. He got in the back of the car, putting his bag down while Harry spoke to Narcissa "It's fine, darling, just hand me his phone and I'll connect it for you." Harry got in the car, taking Draco's phone out of his hand "Huh?" "Just wait and see." Narcissa connected his son's phone to Bluetooth, handing it back to him as they got buckled in. 

Four hours and a half later, they were home. Draco ran to unlock the door as Lily opened it and ran to her girlfriend. She pulled her closer, tilting her head up slightly as Narcissa leaned down slightly to meet her. Their lips touched and Lily felt like her world had exploded. Every sound, every smell, everything disappeared appeared except for the feel of Narcissa's lips against hers. Slowly the world returned to normal. The blonde ran inside, walking in the living room where Autumn was curled up on the sofa, eyes closed "Autumn, are you okay?" He stroked her fur and she was panting really hard "Mum! Lily!" They both ran in "Has she been drinking water?" "She's tried, but after a few mouthfuls she stopped, she was always like this, tired." Draco played with her soft fur as she started to smell his hand "Autumn?" Her eyes slowly opened, as Draco put her down, as she span in circles around her soft chew toy "I think she needed your scent, Draco." "I think so." Draco got up, lifting up Autumn as she began licking his face. "Babe? Can you take my glasses off please?" Harry took off his boyfriend's glasses, putting them in his pocket.

Draco walked upstairs to his bedroom, sitting on his bed as Harry came up with their bags while Draco was being licked and slobbered on by Autumn as she missed him "Autumn, kiss?" She licked his mouth repeatedly as she started growling when Lily came in "No, baby, no growling." Harry sat on the bed, stroking behind Autumn's ears "I want to go back to my old primary school tomorrow." "Of course, it is nearby?" "Just down the road, we went to the same one, twat." Autumn got off the bed, walking downstairs, her fluffy tail following behind her. 

Draco curled up to Harry, head resting on his side as Scarlett came in "Draco, a word?" Draco got up, walking out of his bedroom "What's up?" "Do you have any towels on you? I came on in the car." Draco grabbed his sister's hand, getting one out of his bag "I'm on also, and fuck me sideways, it hurts." "I know, after I clean up, want to watch a film together?" "Sure. What film?" "Love and monsters or dancing queens?" "Dancing queens, let me go downstairs to change." "You go first, it's no problem. I can wait." Draco grabbed his bag, walking in the bathroom. The two siblings changed, and got comfortable in Scarlett's room.

A few hours later, Narcissa called Draco for dinner as Harry came into Scarlett's room, shaking him gently "Mmm, what?" "Dinner's ready, lovely." He hid his face in his blanket "Are you hungry?" He shook his head "That's okay, come with me please." Draco got up, dragging his blanket behind him, as Harry covered his eyes "You know how me and your parents were in here for a while?" "Yeah?" "I'm taking my hands away in a minute, do you promise me that you won't cry?" "I'll try." Harry took his hand away as Draco looked up at Harry, before throwing himself in his arms, hiding his face in his chest. Harry heard him start to cry in his chest as he rubbed his back "Oh baby, hey, hey.." He soothed, rubbing his back in circles "Oh darling.." Harry brought him over to the bed, sitting him down on his lap "What do you think?" "I can't love it more." His voice broke "Oh, your going to make me cry in a minute," "Sorry." "It's okay, no need to say sorry. How about you lie here for a bit and I'll go and get your laptop?" "Okay, can you possibly get me some dark chocolate from downstairs?" "Once I've had my dinner, I will." "That's fine." Draco laid against his new bed with a smile, turning his LED lights on pink as Harry brought in his laptop, resting it on his lap. Draco found Cruella on Disney+ and got settled under his duvet.

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