Nothing else I could do

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Draco awoke the next morning and turned to Harry who was still asleep "Good morning," "Good morning," "Do you want to do anything today?" "I don't mind, I was hoping to go to Westfield to get a few more books." "We can do that baby," Draco got up, getting changed in a pair of black leather trousers and a dark green thin strap top. Harry got up, wrapping both arms around Draco's waist, who relaxed, holding onto his hands "Are you okay?" "Yeah, you?" "I'm okay, get yourself dresses and hurry." Draco sat on his bed as Harry got dressed in denim shorts and a white top.

The two finished getting ready. While Draco was brushing his teeth, he had an itch between his legs, he gave himself a small scratch, spitting in the sink, putting his toothbrush away, walking back to his bedroom, putting socks on "Sorry I took ages, I had an itch." "Where?" "Between my legs, is my mum taking us?" "She is," Narcissa came upstairs minutes later "Hey darling." "Hi mum," "Do you want any breakfast?" He shook his head "Okay sweetheart, if you say so. Will you get something when your out?" "I will mum." "Good. Promise?" "I promise." The two linked pinky fingers, as the blonde walked downstairs and past his mum to sit on the stairs and pulled on his blush pink Filas. Harry came downstairs, placing a kiss to Draco's head as he looked at him with a cute smile on his face "Your so cute." He squeaked, arms around Draco's neck. The blonde held onto his arms with the same smile on his face "Can we possibly watch a bit of Class while mum drives us?" "Of course we can." The two got up as the blonde walked back upstairs, getting his leather jacket from his wardrobe, pulling it on, walking downstairs.

The blonde walked out to the car where Narcissa was waiting with Harry in the back. The blonde climbed in the back, buckling in, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, opening his window, getting his vape out of his pocket, leaving it next to him, taking his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it, finding the episode of Class which was a spin-off of the long-running programme Doctor Who. Draco laid against his boyfriend who held him close to his chest as the car went over a bump.

10 minutes later, Draco had moved from Harry, pale as a sheet "Mum, you have to stop." "Why? What's wrong?" "I just got my period." "Oh baby, okay. We're 5 minutes away, can you hold on?" "I think so." Narcissa drove them both there as the blonde got out as Harry checked his trousers. The two walked towards the bathroom with Draco's bag on his back. The blonde walked forward and to the bathroom. Draco checked and blood stained his underwear "Harry?" "Yeah?" "Can you help?" "Sure." Draco unlocked the door as Harry came in. Draco closed the stall door behind him as Harry knelt down in front of him "Are you okay with me wiping your legs? I really don't mind doing it if it helps you right now." He nodded, his gaze lowered on their twined hands. "It would help, yes." Harry rewarded him with another warm smile and a squeeze of his hand before he let go. "I'll be quick, my darling love." Harry got a packet of wipes out of Draco's bag, cleaning up between his legs, sliding off his old stained underwear, taking off his shoes.

Harry helped him get changed and clean into a pair of black thick knickers and a pair of black leggings "I promise when we get to Primark, I'll get you a pair of comfortable jogging bottoms," "Okay, and some pyjamas." "I know baby, I know." Draco stood up, pulling them up, sitting on the closed lid to put his shoes back on, walking out with Harry who took his bag out of his hand "I know you don't get hungry during your period, but you have to eat something, angel, if it's something small, if you want Pretzels you can." "Okay." The two walked over to the food station, "Hi, what can I get for you today?" "Can I please get a batch of Nutella pretzel bites please?" "Of course, anything else?" Harry came up behind him "Can we also get Cinnamon and Sugar pretzel bites too please?" The woman tapped them in "That will be £9.90 please." Harry paid with his card, waiting with Draco who had his hands around his stomach, cramps already started to start.

Once the pretzels were ready, Draco grabbed the bags, and handed Harry his one, who put a piece in his mouth as Draco looked at him "Do you want to try some?" He nodded. Harry connected their lips. Draco kissed back and pulled away "How is it?" "Good," Draco found a bench and sat down. The two ate and the brunette wiped Draco's mouth from the sugar on his lips as other people looked at them in awe "People are looking at us," "Do we care?" "I do.." "I know sweetheart." The blonde laced their fingers together, looking up at Harry with a smile, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. The two walked into Primark as the brunette was dragged by his boyfriend to get the jogging bottoms he needed "Babe?" "Yeah?" "What size are you?" "Extra small." Harry looked through the pairs and found them, putting them in the basket "Anything else?" "Pyjamas."

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