Strawberries and Cigarettes

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Draco awoke the next morning and saw Harry looking at him, he felt his gentle fingers in his hair as he smiled "Good morning." "Good morning, gorgeous, good sleep?" "Yeah, you?" "I slept well." Draco curled up to Harry "Asking me to hold you?" "Yeah, I held you last night." "I know you did, and I slept very well curled up into your arms, head resting right here," He patted his lover's chest where his head lay last night. Draco grabbed his phone, moving to lie his head on Harry's lap as the blonde unlocked his phone. Harry rubbed his back under his light pink thin strap top from how warm it was last night.

Narcissa opened the door "Morning," "Morning, what are we doing today?" "Whatever you want. If you wish to stay here, we can, if you want to go to the adventure playground and mess around with Harry, you may, darling." "I might have a shower, and do that?" "Of course, how about a bath instead? I picked up some bubble bath." "What one?" "The blue muscle ease one." "Thank you, can you maybe run it while I let myself wake up a bit more." "Of course." "Thanks mum." Harry smiled, as Draco curled up to him more.

Draco looked up at him with a small smile as Harry started "You're strong and brave, and when I'm with you, I feel like I can be strong and brave too. You inspire me." Without another moment of hesitation, Harry tangled his fingers in the other man's long hair and pulled him forward for a searing kiss. Draco decided immediately that this was what he would always remember as their first kiss. Slow and warm, exploring and tender. Perfect. Harry pulled back far too soon and peppered a few soft kisses on Draco's jaw and cheek. He pulled the lithe man in, clutching him to his chest and resting his chin atop the other's head. Draco buried his face in Harry's shirt and inhaled deeply. "I was horrified when your mum told me what happened with you and your sister. You, Draco. I don't know if I've ever been so terrified in my life. I've never let myself believe for even a moment that you would be interested in someone like me." He pulled back just enough so that he could stare into the other's eyes as he continued. "Now that I have you, I don't think I'll ever be able to let you go." "I don't want you to." Draco smiled sincerely, tightening his grip around the older man's waist. "I'll keep you safe, Draco, I promise. I'll never let anything like this happen again. I swear it." "I believe you," Draco replied.

Draco looked at him with a small smile as his phone started ringing. He got out of bed, getting his phone off charge, walking out of the bedroom, walking out of the lodge. "Scarlett?" "Where are you?" "Still at home, why?" "I'm sorry, right? I know you and Harry wanted the room that you and mum were discussing, and I was out of order with her, and I'm so fucking sorry." "I can't accept your apology this time, sorry, Scarlett, the next time I go away, I'm going with Harry's family because I can't be around you anymore." Draco hung up, leaning his head on the door. Harry came out, sitting next to him "Hello?" "Hi." Draco leaned into his chest.

It was later on at midnight, they were all at the showbar, and the blonde was sitting on the floor, bottle of blue WKD between his legs. Narcissa came from the bathroom "You look tired?" "I'm all good, mum, Harry?" "I'm good, I'm not even tired." "Neither am I." "Draco, you've got a set of keys, when your ready to come back, you can." "Okay." Draco stood up, walking over to the stage to request a song "Hi, what can I do for you?" "May I recommend a song please?" "Of course you can, what song?" "My own person." She had a look and found it "I'll play it after this one, let me round everyone up, as it's a song for couples." "Yeah, my boyfriend's over there." "Sweet." Harry came over, taking his hand.

The song started playing as the blonde rested his arms around Harry's neck. Harry's arms wrapped around Draco's waist, pulling him in closer, resting his head in his blonde hair. The warmth and tenderness coursed through his body, and he gave the blonde a soft smile. As the music slowed down, Harry dipped him to the floor and leaned down, brushing his lips gently over his. Draco snaked his arms around his neck, melting into the kiss but also deepening it as he drew Harry's face closer to his own. "I love you, you enormously stubborn pain in the arse." "I love you too, you absolute wanker." Harry whispered against his mouth, and pressed their foreheads together but had to lean down. He was slightly breathless at the way Draco held him close. Draco looked up at Harry with a smile "Can we go back now?" "Of course." Draco walked over to the table, pulling on his shoes, not tying them up as Harry picked him up on his back, getting the other drink bottle that Narcissa ordered before she had left with her husband.

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