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" But it is a big deal " Yeji repeated to the girl walking beside her.

All of you are on your way back to the van after the tiring game, and Karina just shared to Yeji that you and her have plans watching movie on your condo, and now Yeji is talking to her about her stupid feelings.

" It's not. " Karina sighs.

Yeji have been saying that watching movie to your movie is a big thing and that it's not friends thing to do especially when it's just you two alone, but Karina keep insisting that it is not a big thing.

" Really ? " Yeji look at Karina with confusion.

" Last time we talk which is just EARLIER " she gave her that look that Karina understands. " you said you were avoiding her but now you're saying you're going to sleepover at her house. You're confusing me, Karina. What really happened ? "

" isn't this what you want ? " Karina looked at Yeji as they stop walking when Giselle talk to the owner of the paintball field, probably saying goodbye.

" Are you two together ? " Yeji asked.

" No. "

" Then this is not what I want, Karina. "

" Can you like chill ? " She patt Yeji's cheeks. " I don't know okay, before I even started avoiding her I already told her that I'm doing a sleepover. I've decided "

" To finally acknowledge your feelings ? " Yeji added earning a rolled of an eye from the latter.

" You know. The more you push me the more it confuses me. "

" You're already confused. " Yeji scoffed. " I've seen this kind of situations before and I wish both of you would ended up that way. " it's true after all. You and Karina's situation reminds her of the movies she'd watched before.

" Whatever " Karina rolled her eyes once again as they Continued walking when the others did.

" She is patient. I am not " Yeji chuckled.

" Good thing you're not her then. "

" So you do want her to wait ? "

" Huh ? " Karina was caught off guard.

Yeji chuckled. " You said good thing is I'm not her. " she looked at Karina with meaningful smile. " Don't lead her on, if you really don't like her then give her to someone else. "

Karina looked at her direction quickly with her eyebrows furrowed.

" I mean. Her ex is there. Chaewon is just in the corner waiting. " she pointed her finger to you and Chaewon's direction who's walking beside each other again.

" So ? " Karina look at your direction acting unbothered at what Yeji just said.

" So, if you don't like her. Let Chaewon take her chance again. I mean Verna was so inlove with her. You don't know if a feeling between them could grew again. "

" Was. It's past tense, Yeji. " Karina pointed out.

" So ? Who knows she might still like her at the same time ? "

" She's not interested in her anymore. "

" How sure are you ? "

Karina sighs as she find her own friend annoying to the point she's thinking how did she ended up having a friend like her. " Because she said she like me. She's interested at me not to her. "

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