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Standing nervously infront of the indoor pool's door. Waiting for the right moment to enter inside.

When you think that, that right time is now. You enter inside as you ask the students you could passed by where Karina is and you're glad that they told you that the girl is at the dugout.

Walking towards the place, you started hearing two people talking when you started getting close, till you saw Karina with a guy.

Kai to be exact.

" Thankyou for the lunch " You heard Karina said while wearing a smile.

" It seems like you enjoyed it, So, I guess it's good to expect another hang out ? " Kai asked while flashing a smug smile.

And ofcourse, being not a fan of those stuffs. You silently cringes, when you saw what he did.

Karina nodded her head, " And I'll be expecting a text ? "

You don't know if you heard that right, if you heard that sentence coming out of Karina's mouth.

Kai smile more wider this time, " Ofcourse, babe "

Fighting yourself to not laugh about it, you almost let out a laugh when you saw Kai gave her a wink. That definitely cringes the hell out of you.

Now that gives you an Idea how to escape at this stupid lie of yours.

You could just tell your friends that Karina like someone and that she have Kai as her boyfriend then if Karina finally told it to them you could just pretend that you're disappointed and that you'll just stop courting her.

" Verna "

You suddenly heard Karina said your name while her eyes are wide in shocked definitely didn't expect to see you here and waiting.

You didn't even notice that the two are already standing infront of you.

You were too occupied thinking how to get through of this lie you started.

" Who's she ? " Kai asked, that's surprising for you to hear that coming from him. How could he not know you if you're famous around.

Maybe he's not just interested.

" One of Ryujin's friends " Karina answered.

" Aah.. " he then looked at Karina, " I'll go now " He bid before kissing the girl's right cheek.

Now you felt awkward standing infront of them and noticing a very cringing action. As you watch Kai walking away from Karina.

You look at the girl infront of you when she talk.

" Hi " Karina said as she purses her lips and ask you to join her in the changing room inside the dugout and as soon as you enter inside, you thought that maybe this is where she spend her time most.

" So, what brings you here ? " Karina asked.

You looked at her, " Are you together ? " You asked her straightforwardly but seems like the latter didn't get it.

" together with who ? "

" The guy you're with just seconds ago " You answered while pointing at the door far away from where you and Karina are now.

Karina chuckled lowly, " You mean Kai ? "

" Yeah, you're together ? "

" No "

Surprisingly, Karina answered a word that you didn't expected.

Hell, everything is already plan on your mind on how to say that they're together just so you could stop continuing this lie.

But it was all ruined by a simple No.

Karina look at you amusingly when she didn't hear any response, as she saw you still looking at that door.

" Are you courting me ? "

" You're not together !? " You said a little loud.

" Are you courting me ? " Karina repeated while wearing a playful smile, instead of answering your question.

You look at her and shook your head still puzzled with her answer, bro the guy just kissed her cheeks and she let her, she even said that she's expecting a text.

" Wait, Answer me first "

" Nope " She simply answered. " Then what did I just saw earlier ? " You asked, you're sure you saw and hear everything so right, but then it turns out they're not even together ?

" A girl with someone who's courting her ? "

" I don't understand " And you really don't.

Karina sighs, " Two people can date without being official, Rose "

Hearing that familiar name you faced her with confusion.

" Rose ? "

Noticing something behind your back, Karina look at that object. " Is that for me ? " She asked and you nodded your head.

" Yes but h- "

" How do I know your second name ? " She asked finishing the question you're about to say, as she reached for that object that you're holding.

" Yes, How ? " you're confused.

" We went to the same high school, Verna " Opening the gift that she reached for earlier, Karina smiled. " Plus, I don't think I'd forget the person who kidnapped me back then "

You chuckled nervously, thinking how could she still remember that ?

" Yeah, I still remember it " She said while inspecting the object in her hand with a smile.

You snapped your eyes to Karina, Did I said that out loud ?

" Yes, you did " She answered, startling the hell out of you.

" How could I forget the only person who's brave enough to ask the president to join her for cutting class ? " She gives you a teasing smile.

That makes you think to get eaten by this floor right now. How many embarrassing moments do you still need to experience ?

Karina leaned her back at the table and stared at you which you shocking stared back at her innocently.

It was pure silence for a second, but when Karina saw the door opened a little, she gave that person a slow nod which you didn't notice.

" So, you said you're going to court me right ? I'm expecting some surprises weekly. " Raising that cassette tape gift she's holding. She stand straight.

You have plans telling her today why are you doing this and why are you saying those stuffs but then before you could open your mouth to do so.

Karina kissed your left cheek, shutting you up.

" I'll see you " She said after pulling away as she leave you alone in the room.

You groan and wipe your left cheek that she just kissed.

" What was that for ? " you asked hoping an invisible wind to answer your question.


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