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" How's school ? " Beomgyu suddenly said breaking the quietness.

You look at him before looking back at the 2 graves infront of you on the ground. " What do you mean ? " You asked, " We're literally studying at the same school "

Beomgyu let out a chuckle as he dusted the leaves that just fall right into the grave.

" But you're on a different room, I don't know what's happening to you. " and he really dont. You never informed him about your situation which is he's not forcing you to do so.

He might be just around but he never know any single thing.

Infact he just met you again at the field Earlier, as far as he can remember the last time he saw you was when both of you hang out outside which is the one Chan's talking about.

" Sorry " You apologized. " I just don't like people or you knowing what's happening to me "

A sighed escape on his lips, If Beomgyu is a private person, you're ten times more private than him. " You really mean it when you said you'll keep your profile low and that you'll keep your life private. Aren't you being too much now ? " He commented.

" No offense " He raised his both hands up when you look at him.

" You're too much private to the point you didn't once mentioned to your friends that I'm your stepbrother " he put his hand down. " I almost said it to them " and he almost did.

" I can tell that even your friends have no idea how your life is back then. Like you never mentioned anything to them " He added earning a sigh from you.

" I just don't want anyone to know okay ? " You sighed, " Everything is already on the past. I don't want to go back there and let them know it "

" Yeah. You're right it's in the past " He said, " But it still hunts you " he pointed his finger to your direction.

" It never stopped " You added admitting that what he said is right.

" It's because you don't want to let that memory go " you look at him, " You don't want to forget it " He said.

" Why do you sound like forgetting is the easiest thing to do ? " You questioned noticing how he said those words. " It is easy. " He answered, " But only if you really want to forget it "

" Believe me. I had a hard time forgetting that past too, but it's just really time to let go of that painful memory. Nothing will happen if we keep going back to that day as if they could be bring back to life " Beomgyu pinpointed.

" Now you sound like you're our Dad " You chuckled trying to remove the awkward tension.

Beomgyu chuckled too as he pat your head. " It takes time to forget something so memorable to you, and there are times we really needed to forget them inorder to let ourselves free from what's hunting is back then until now " He continued.

" Your Dad and my Mom won't like us seeing like this " He chuckled as he pulled his hand back.

" But really try to be more open sometimes, you have friends they might be quiet but I know that you know yourself that they're waiting for you to say something. They have lots of questions in their minds. They need answers " He smiled.

" Thankyou Gyu " You said as you look back to the grave infront of you.

You definitely understand what he said.

" Just.. give me more time to do the same " You added making him hummed. " No worries, just always remember that I'm here if you need someone " He smiled before fetching out something to the plastic bag beside him.

" Here " extending his hand that's holding the coffee milk. You grab it and mouthed a thank you making him smiled.

" But why didn't you tell them that you're my stepsister and I'm you're stepbrother ? " He confusingly asked.

Taking a sip on the coffee milk. You shrug your shoulder and look at him. " Well they never ask and I'm still not ready to let the whole student know that the Ugly Choi Beomgyu is my stepbrother " you chuckled and he did the same.

" anyways " He began after a seconds of silence. " How's your hand ? That was a hardball why did you even think to catch it " he reached for your hand and checked it only to see that it already covered by a bandaid.

" Idiot " you pulled your hand back. " As if I'll let Karina's head bleed that's more worse than this " and it really is.

Beomgyu hummed and nodded his head understanding it, though there's something bothering his mind.

" Are you really courting Karina ? " He suddenly asked making you to almost spit out the drink infront of him.

" Where did you get that ? " You questioned as you wipe your mouth. " Your friends and the boys they mentioned it when you and Karina leave. Does that mean you'd already move on from Chaewon ? " A question that you've been avoiding, had been asked by your stepbrother.

You looked away, now how can you take back what you said that you like Karina if all your friends and her friends knows that you're Courting her already.

You made another lie again.

" I'm courting Karina. " you answered his first question, " and to answer the second I- "

" You still don't know " He continued what you're about to say.

He looked at you and gave you a small smile. " I can see it, no need to hide. You haven't move on to our parents death which is many years already. What more to you and Chaewon's relationship that just broken up one year ago " He once again pinpointed.

As far as you can remember You're Stepbrother is dumb but right now. He looks like someone who don't skip classes just because he wants to listen to their teacher.

" I- " as you were about to denied it, you weren't able to talk again when he talk first.

" It's fine. That's natural but don't play with Karina. I can see that she's a good one " He chuckled and he look at you.

" Whatever " You rolled your eyes and finished the drink, crumbling the container by your bare hands.

Beomgyu smiled.

" Any plans of going back to baseball ? " He suddenly brought up. " I heard Yuqi is forcing you to join them. I want to see you playing at the field again. "

You look at him and sighed, and just by the sigh he heard he can tell that you're still not ready.

" I don't know " and you really don't.

There's a part of you wanting to join, but the other is telling you to not too.

Feeling a tap on your head once again, you looked at Beomgyu's direction who's now giving you a smile. " Stop blaming yourself because of our Dad's death. It was an accident "

The accident you wished that shouldn't have happened.


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