Episode 43 "The Pain in the Heart" Part 2

Start from the beginning

Booth and Brennan had came back from visiting Venus and Zack as they enter the dinner seeing Sweets was in there as Booth says, "Hey." "This is a surprise." "Yeah." "Hey, Sweets, uh, where were you after the explosion?" "I was with you." Brennan then says, "No, you were with us when the explosion occurred." Booth nods adding, "I mean after." "Uh, let's see, I ran to call 9-1-1." Brennan asks, "Where?" "In your office. Why?" Booth asks, "Then what?" "Then I went to the door to show the EMTs where to go." Brennan then says, "Hmm. You didn't come in with them." "No, I find it's best to stay out of the way of the professionals in those situations. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot one thing." Booth asks, "What's that?" "I went down to the vault, and I stole the Silver Skeleton because I'm... I'm Gormogon's apprentice." 

Booth then says, "That's a confession. You know, I can lock him up for 72 hours." "You'd lock me up for sarcasm?" Brennan nods, "I think you should." "Wait, you guys actually think that I'm Gormogon's apprentice?" Booth then says, "Well, somebody is. That way, I can lock you up, check out your story and not worry about you running off to Bolivia." "This is fierce wretched." Brennan adds, "Better safe than sorry." Booth nods, "Yeah." Sweets then says, "No, you're projecting, Agent Booth. You have a reasonable hostility toward Gormogon. But you have no outlet for those feelings, so you're using me..." Booth grabs his shoulder, "Am I gonna have to break out my cuffs?" "You know what? Yeah. You are gonna need your cuffs. 'Cause I'm not about to make this easy for you."

Back with Zack and Angela as they were both asleep. Hodgins had gone over as he kisses her on the cheek. She gasps gently waking up as she smiles at him, "Hi..." They give each other a loving kiss for a brief second as Hodgins looks at Zack, "I just went to check up on Venus and she still looks stable, but no since of waking up. How's Zack?" "Well, he's in a lot of pain, but he won't let me push the painkiller button." "He's scared of polka dots, but screaming agony is just an interesting phenomenon." They then hear him say, "Drugs give me bad dreams." They look at him as Hodgins says to him, "Oh, hey there, Zack." "I'm walking somewhere, and suddenly someone takes me by the hand. And I look and it's a skeleton. And the skeleton's on fire, and my hands hurt." 

Hodgins takes the painkiller button in his hands as Angela says to Zack, "Take the painkillers, sweetie." "I've been thinking about the explosion, Hodgins. No one could have switched the chemicals. I locked up the container when I left the room." Hodgins presses the painkiller button as it makes Zack start to go sleepy as he continues, "I had the only... key." Hodgins presses the button again as Zack sighs, "You... would know, but... you... I'm afraid the painkillers, while pleasant dull my intellect." "Sometimes your friends gotta step in..." He presses the button again, "Dumb it up for you." Zack is asleep as the two watch him. Angela gets up, "I am going to stay with Ven for a bit... keep her company..." Hodgins nods, "Yeah. Go ahead, she might enjoy you voice better than mine." They both chuckle a bit as Angela goes over to the room right next door opening it seeing Venus in bed with a bandage around her head and in a sleep state.

Back at the lab in Brennan's office she is looking through the case as Cam comes inside, "Don't you think it's time to go home?" She didn't know that Cam came inside as she sighs from fright and chuckles a bit. "Sorry, Cam, I... seem to be a bit anxious." "Don't worry about it. It's going around. Hodgins came to talk to me, and I almost jumped out of my skin. What's keeping you so late?" "Looking at the tissue we used for the DNA tests... the victims' DNA alleles in the roots were destroyed. And the marrow alleles were altered. Then I remembered when I first looked at the jawbone, it seemed lighter in color than I expected." "It was treated with ultraviolet light?" "I think so." "Who would do that?" "We would. Standard procedure for skeletal remains when we put them away for storage. We have over 10,000 sets of remains waiting to be identified. I think Venus had also figure this out as well. What better place to hide a skeleton?" "How do we sift through 10,000 sets of remains?"

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