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Thank you guys for 19k reads and thank you all for your support, I am officially ending this one shots book because I will never write in it again let's be real.

I know I left the one story on a massive cliff hanger for like 6 months and I finally finished it and I'm aware it suck.

I don't like riverdale anymore I stopped watching a long time ago and I recently only watch it for Betty and agent drake because agent drake is super hot, we all know it and she's way better than Jughead or Archie.

I stopped writing for more reasons than just hating riverdale, I was going through a tough time within myself and figuring out some stuff, I recently came out to my friends and family and it was a hard time for me.

I truly did feel bad that I has stopped writing and left everyone hanging, I love and appreciate every single person that read my one shots and everyone who voting for a part, I hope people continue to enjoy and read my stories (I don't know why they really suck I can't spell)

I might start writing again in the future and maybe write about different people (agent drake) and continue my stories that way.

I hope everyone has had a good how ever many months I didn't write and I hope you all continue to be the wonderful people you are!

With love,

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