Never There| Bughead

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Listen to "national anthem" by "Lana del ray"


"Your never home!" I yelled at him, "Your being a brat!" he yelled back.

Me and Jughead haven't been in the best place recently.

"What about the kids?! Don't you think they miss their dad?!" I just wished he'd stay with Lion, Juliet and I one more time.

"They don't care!" he spat "of course they care they love you!"

"You know what Betty?" he said almost way too calmly

"What" I seethed, "I want a divorce" with that he left.

I sank to the ground tears flooding my cheeks, my Juggie no longer loves me.

"Mom" I heard a small voice "yes baby?" I say cleaning myself up.

"What's all the noise?" he asked voice timid almost afraid.

"Nothing I'm sorry sweetie" I hushed him and brought him back to bed, I feel awful that I woke him.

"Lay with me?" he asked I nodded and slid in beside him.

He cuddled into my side as I stared at his roof counting his little glow in the dark stars trying to hold back my tears for my sake and Lions.


I don't have a single clue why I said I wanted divorce Betty, of course I don't I love Betty with all of my heart, and our kids it would crush them.

I understand why Betty is mad I am never home, and I know I should be. Its been a couple weeks and I've finally been able to switch my hours and now I can finally make things right with her.

My son toddled down the stairs as I was just cooking him breakfast he has second grade soon and I want to be the one to drive him today.

I placed his food down on a plate and he just kinda looked at it.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, he looked at me with a raised brow like I was an idiot.

"Dad I'm lactose intolerant" he scoffed. Damn it! I thought how could I forget that.

"Right sorry" I mumbled I grabbed his plate and scooped his eggs off into the garbage,

"why are you here anyways?" he asked me, "what do you mean? I live here" I laughed

"your never here in the morning and Tommy told me what a divorce was" he said his voice getting smaller every word he spoke.

"And what did Tommy say" I asked feeling my heart shatter a bit. "He said his parents divroced because his dad didn't love him or his mom anymore and after that he never saw his dad again"

"Buddy me and your mom aren't getting divorced" I said going and giving him a hug.

"Yea but you yelled at mom and said that" he said into my chest.

"I love you your mom and Jules so much and I'm not leaving you" I reassured

"Mommy!!!" I heard a cute squeal from the stairs

"Arghhhh" I heard Betty as she spun Juliet around down the stairs.

Betty put her down and she ran up to me "Daddy?" she asked seemingly confused

"goodmorning princess" I said picking her up.

"What are you doing home?" Betty asked me "Having breakfast with my lovely family" I smiled

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