Collage party| bughead

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Listen to "space song" by "beach house"

I was dragged to this stupid party by Veronica my best friend I don't often go to party's because one, I have a lot of work and two, I'm never invited. I am majoring in studies to be in the FBI and let's just say I'm the biggest nerd in our year, this party was held by the football players. Another thing is is that I don't have a boyfriend no guy ever has a a crush me, I dated this one boy In high school named Trev but it was nothing serious. Veronica is dating this dude named Reggie and he is apart of the football team, Veronica is a cheerleader and she is majoring on business and economics.

I was standing alone in a corner with my cup of water since I'm only 20 and can't legally drink yet, Veronica came up to hammered and pulled my hand out "come on come party!" She yelled "noooo" I pouted "come on we're playing 7 minutes in heaven" she slurred "V you know I hate those games" I just wanted to go home "Betty your so boring!" She yelled "I'm not boring!" I yelled back "your such a Debby downer" she giggled clearly already lost it "am not" I annoyed shrugged "then come play!" She giggled, "fine" I gave up. I walked over to the little circle and sat down beside Archie and Toni, Toni was my cousins girlfriend that's how I know her. Cheryl was of course hosting the game, great.

She put the bottle in the middle "ok chumps! Listen up it's 10 minutes now because we're not 15 anymore and if your picked you must go! Ok!" I rolled my eyes happy at the fact I have a two in like a 20 chance of being picked, she spun the bottle and it landed on a raven haired boy sitting a couple seats down from
Me, "Jughead! Who will get to kiss those plump lips" Cheryl slurred clearly drunk Jughead I thought what a weird name, he was quit handsome but like I said he looks like a dick I've seen him on the football team. He took the bottle and it spun and spun and landed onnnnn.... Me. Shit. "OOooOo my Betty boo! Get in the closet" she grabbed my hand and pushed me in and soon followed this Jughead.

"Hi" I awkwardly waved "hello" he chuckled "so you ever done this?" He asked me "no" I continued "me neither" I raised my eye brow "what you think cause I play football I'm
A hoe?" He asked me "yea kinda" I laughed. "You single?" He stepped closer to me "yea" I gulped "you" "yup" he pooped the 'p'

"You know Betty your very beautiful" he said fidgeting with the bow on my shirt "are you drunk?" I asked he shook his head "high?" I asked again, I know I'm a mood killer but like no boy ever says that and definitely not a football player. "No, why do you ask" he said stepping even closer to me "because of what you just said" I whispered "what? That your hot?" He smirked "mhm" I mumbled I felt my breathing hitch and my heart rate increase as he continued to step closer "well you are your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he breathed "7 minutes!" Cheryl yelled "guess I gotta hurry up" he whispered, "what?" I said but before I could question further his lips were on mine.

He went in strong I was confused but at the same time I liked it he wrapped his arms around my waist and I went around his neck. He pushed me against the wall and started to make out with me, I wanted to stop it cause obviously after this we'll never speak again but I couldn't because more of me didn't want it to stop. We made out for a while until Cheryl called 2 minutes and I latched off "we still have two minutes" Jughead pouted "yes but one, we'll never see each other again and two, you have lipstick smudged on your lips" he furrowed his brows "what do you mean we'll never see each other again?" He looked hurt "your a football player and I'm a nerd" "so?" He asked "you obviously just wanted to make out with someone," he scoffed "I actually like you Betty" "what?" I probably looked terrified now. "Here" he pulled out a peice of paper "right your number down" he handed me the pen and paper "your just always prepared?" I asked teasingly "we'll you need to be prepared for if a pretty lady like you walks in" I poked him "hey!" I laughed "one minute!" Cheryl yelled I wrote down my number on his paper.
"You know I'm in your class right?" That took me by surprise "what?" "Yea" I just scoffed "ok times up!" Cheryl called "oh your mouth" I wiped his mouth with the napkin I had from getting my drink, "thank you" he and I stepped out but I didn't go sit back down like he did I was going to leave, I was in my hallway when I heard Jughead calling my name behind me "you followed me" I laughed "why are you leaving" he asked me "I don't like parties to be honest" he took a deep breath "oh" he said.

"Yea" "we'll movie?" He Asked me "you can go to the party you know, I won't shit on your parade" I laughed "no I want to watch a movie" he persisted "let me show you I'm not a doosh" he came and grabbed my hand "please" I sighed "fine"

I really like Betty I have for a while I know I put on the whole annoying hoey around doosh bag facade. But I genuinely like her and I can tell she's very hesitant and I guess the bullying from the football team doesn't really help either. "Please?" I asked her again "fine" she sighed, my heart skipped two beats. I brought her back to my dorm since I don't have a roommate and Betty voiced her concern for Reggie and Veronica doing unholy things at hers. we sat down on my bed since I don't have a couch and I turned on Netflix "conjuring?" I asked "ugh is that a horror movie" I felt her tense "yea, you afraid?" I teased "n-no" she stuttered, I played the movie and every gory part she covered her eyes. And then there was a slight Jump scare and she cuddled into me, I got massive butterflies "I'm sorry" she whispered and started to climb off of me "no, it's ok, stay there" I whispered back and pulled her down. She laid back into my side and I started to blush she gripped me tighter every time she got scared witch was a lot. Eventually I felt her fall asleep after only like 45 minutes of the movie, I think my lungs stopped working. I turned off the movie and just sat I didn't know what to do so I tried to sleep and with luck I did, funny how an extended versions of 7 minutes in heaven can actually mean something.
I'm so shit at endings it's sad, anyways hope you liked it.

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