So your the creep through the window| bughead

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Listen to "heat waves" by "glass animals"

Archie Andrews he's my best friend and like a brother to me. He is letting me stay with him while my moms in Teledo and my dad is in prison for a false accusation.

I was setting up the bed in his room when I saw his neighbour she was dancing it seemed like, she was beautiful.

I kinda just sat in aw while she danced around I was probably smiling like an idiot right now but I don't really care.

"Hey bro what's taking so long?" I heard Archie call, "nothing sorry" I snapped out of my trance and continued on with my bed.

For the rest of the day I thought about that mystery girl, I wonder if she goes to Riverdale high because I'm transferring there since I moved here. Although it's summer so I have nothing to worry about.

I laid pretty awake just pondering while I heard Archie annoyingly snore beside me.

The next day I awoke first and peeked out the window she was also awake, she was sitting on her phone.

All of the sudden she looked up and straight through her window at me. "Shit" I muttered under my breath, she probably thinks I'm a creep now.

She smiled, she smiled at me. I smiled back and she got up and came and sat by her window she waved.

I saw her grab a peice of paper and write 'hi' on it. I scrambled around and got another peice of paper and wrote 'hi' back.

She smiled again and I just got butterflies 'Archies friend?' She wrote in the paper I shrugged and wrote 'kinda more like brothers' I put it in front of the window and she giggled, I wish I could hear it.

I heard Archie stir behind me so I quickly hit the paper and laid back down "you awake?" I heard Archie mumble "yep" I said probably way too dreamy.

We spent the day mostly eating pizza, being lazy, playing video games until Archie decided that he needed to go to the bathroom and I decided I would see if the mystery girl also Archies neighbour was up in her room.

When I peeked through the window what I saw shattered my heart she was crying, she was curled up into a ball crying.

She looked up and saw me staring she got up and wiped her eyes and shut her curtains. I felt awful I felt like I wanted to just scoop her up into my arms and cradle her until she felt better.

Archie came back into the room and we continued to play but my mind was somewhere else.

"You keep getting us killed!" Archie yelled
"I do not" I responded

We continued to play again until Archie had enough of me 'ruining the game'

"What's on your mind?" He asked me
"What's that girls name?" I asked pointing to her window

"Oh that's Betty"

Betty I thought what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

"Why?" He asked me with a scoff
"Just wondering"

He laughed and I furrowed my eyebrows "what's so funny" I asked genuinely confused "you like her don't you?"

My faces turned a deep crimson "n-no" I stammered immediately looking away.

"I don't even know her" I defended

"At least admit you thinks she's pretty," Archie laughed

"Yes she's pretty."

He laughed again and we continued. This time I did alright.

I didn't see her again for a couple of days and I won't lie I got kinda worried, but it was ok when I saw her laughing with some raven haired girl and brown header boy in her room.

Archie always laughs at me whenever I look through her window.

I was sitting at his desk once again peeking through her window, she was reading, and he came up and scared me "why don't you go over and talk to her" he laughed,

"I don't know" I sighed

"Come on I see her look at you as well" he winked, I scoffed "it's because I look at her first"

"We'll whatever I guess you can just dwell on the side lines" I turned away from her window and slumped down.

Betty and I have now wrote things on paper to communicate for two weeks now and now I'm working up to getting her number.

I've been talking to this boy through Archies one of my best friends windows for some time. He stays there a lot and I have a feeling that maybe he lives with him.

He's really cute and had gorgeous raven hair, I have no idea what his name even is.

I was doing some practice writing looking up into Archies window every now and then to see if the boy is also looking and he was with a paper saying 'number?'

I smiled and pulled out a peice of paper and wrote just to double check 'mine?' He nodded and I wrote down my number.

He smiled and so did I until I saw Archie come into the room and they left.

I hadn't seen him for the rest of the afternoon that day.

I was laying in bed and it was maybe like 9 o'clock at night I was reading 'Romeo and Juliet' my favourite book.

I heard a ding of my phone it was from an unknown number.
Jughead: hi
Betty: hi
Betty: you window boy?
Jughead: yes but my name is Jughead
Betty: mines Betty
Jughead: I know
Jughead: shit, that sounded so creepy
Betty: still does
Jughead: Archie told me
Betty: oh ok
Jughead: sorry
Betty: it's fine
Jughead: wanna like go to pops or something one time?
Betty: like a date?
Jughead: yea
Betty: sure, what time?
Jughead: tomorrow at 7?
Betty: sounds fun, I gotta go bye
Jughead: bye, goodnight
Betty: goodnight
I went to sleep that night happy as can be.

The next day I got ready for my date and sang along to my favourite song.

I stepped into pops and I was a little bit early I love pops so much, I decided to just scroll through my phone a bit until I heard the familiar jingle of the bells.

"Hey" Jughead smiled

"So your the creep in the window?" I teased

His face fell and his cheeks went crimson.

"I-I didn't mean to- I um" he stammered

"Hey I'm kidding" I giggled, he let out a long breath of relief.

He sat across from me and we ordered are food, I got to know him and it turns out we have a lot in common actually.

He was walking me home while we continued to talk until we came to my door step.

"I really enjoyed our date" he nervously stammered while picking his baby hairs on his neck.

"I did too" I smiled

"Good that means I can do this" he said gaining confidence.

He leaned into me and I leaned in too, we closed the gap between us into a soft kiss.

I pulled off and he just stared at me,

"Staring is rude you know" I poked him

"I-um I'm sorry" he said wide eyed

"Your just so beautiful" he continued

"I'm joking and thank you" he smiled again and I walked into the house muttering a bye.

Who knew someone could find there soulmate through a window.
Sorry I didn't upload for so long, I will be posting more soon.

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