Arranged marriage| bughead

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Listen to "NDA" by "billie eilish"

I was forced to marry the serpent king, Jughead Jones. He treats me like shit and I don't know why he just hates me. I have nothing against him except that he like abuses me but I guess I was mutual beforehand, he mostly verbally abuse's me but sometimes he physically abuse's me. I always do chores or cook I don't have a job even though I want one he claims I have to stay in the kitchen where the women belong, not gonna lie sometimes I'm tempted to stab him in his sleep.

I'm Jughead Jones serpent king my dad forced me to marry this girl, Betty Cooper. She's actually really beautiful but of course I never tell her that I'm kinda of a major dick to her for no reason but I don't really care she's annoying. She never did anything particularly wrong to me but I just am mean to her anyways I usually always feel bad after but of course I would never apologize that would make me weak. I always force her to cook and clean because my dad always told me to put my women in place. I sleep around quit a bit because obviously I would never have sex with Betty even if she super hot. That would show I like her at least a little bit I can't have that even if I wanted. My dad would never allow it.

I woke up on the cold floor again because Jughead doesn't let me sleep in a bed let alone his bed, I went downstairs to cook some breakfast so I wouldn't get yelled at. I was cooking some bacon and had the eggs already plated when Jughead came down "smells like shit" he laughed I looked down and continued on "did you hear me? Or are you deaf?" "I'm sorry" I whispered "can't hear you?" He basically yelled "I'm sorry" I said sterner "whatever" I passed him his plate and he snarled it down I didn't get any he noticed me looking at his food "you don't need any fatty" he commented I immediately looked away. I went to go upstairs but he stopped me "don't leave I'm not done, these dishes won't put themselves away" I wanted to scream. I sat back down and stared at the floor just listening to him chew like an animal. After breakfast was all done and I cleaned up the dishes I decided to go read one of the only things I'm aloud to do I was getting really into it when Jughead barges into the garage where my sitting spot was "the boys are coming over I want food ready and you not having a bitchy attitude, got it?" He pointed at me "yep" I lowly said back. I went upstairs changed and went to prepare some food trays, Jughead came into the kitchen and looked at me cooking "really that?" He said dipping a finger in my sauce "yes" I said back continuing "that's fucking disgusting" he yelled "cook something new!"

It was pretty good actually but I don't know why I got mad I guess I came downstairs saw her outfit and got all weird feeling like I have butterflies which was super frustrating I yelled at her to make new sauce "how about you make it!" She yelled back. She was standing up for herself oh no. What if she left? Had enough of me? That would destroy me! "You fucking bitch!" I yelled I saw the fear in her eyes and it make my heart wrench "you don't speak to me like that!" I raised my hand to do I don't know what and she covered her face and I saw it her palms they had crescent moon cuts in them. Nail marks. She was hurting herself "please! I'm sorry! I'll make new sauce I'm sorry!" She trembled I lowered my hand feeling immediately guilty I scared her to the point where I raised my hand and she cowered "I-I'm sorry" I pulled her up and she still wouldn't look at me. I let go "the sauce is fine you don't have to cook more" she just stared at me "just go read or watch tv" I sighed I felt awful she nodded and bolted out to the garage. Man I fucked up.

The boys pulled in and honestly I just wanted to send them home and go spend time with Betty. They rang the doorbell and I opened the door, "sup guys" I bro hugged them all until Archie spoke "where's the slut at?" He laughed and I wanted to punch him "no where that concerns you" I snapped back "sheesh ok" Reggie laughed again. "Anyways come on in" they sat down and I turned on the football. I walked into the kitchen to Betty grabbing the food "what are you doing?" I tried to ask as kindly as possible "bringing your food like you wanted" I walked over and grabbed it. I looked her in the eyes they were red and had really dark bags and her cheek bones stuck out I guess I never realized how tired she probably is "I'll handle it" I smiled she looked at me super unconvinced and confused "actually would you like to sit with me?" I offered "yea um sure" she timidly followed me I put the food on the coffee table and sat down she sat down beside me closer than I knew was comfortable to her but I guess she doesn't like Reggie which was understandable "isn't the slut supposed to do that?" Chuck spat all the boys laughed. I didn't like it. "Shut up" I hissed she looked at me shocked I put my hand on her thigh she tensed up. I rubbed it a bit and she relaxed a little. They continued watching the game and so did I getting a little into it until Betty whispered to me "can I go get some water" "of course" I whispered back she got up and walked towards the kitchen but she kicked Archies beer over "I'm so sorry" she froze she looked terrified I knew it was an accident I wasn't gonna get mad Archie stood up "you bitch!" He yelled I stood up "I'll get you another one" she stammered "clean this up you Whore!" She ran out and got some clean ex she came back out and turned to him "we don't have another of that kind" she was gonna cry I could see it I wanted to interfere but I also didn't want to look weak in front of the boys "your so useless! How does he even put up with you I would have left you in the streets!" He kept yelling I just stood Betty looked at me with pleading eyes I was gonna just gonna go over and sit her in the garage but as I moved Archie walked closer to her "your such a pig" he spat in her face and then what he did set me off he slapped her right in the face, she looked at me with pure fear he pushed her down and she stayed there starting to cry I went over to Archie and tackled him throwing a punch "what the hell!" He screamed "you don't fucking touch her!" I yelled "never!" I got off of him and grabbed him by the collar and threw him out I turned around "get out" "what the hell was that!" Reggie outburst "I said get the fuck out!" I pushed him and chuck out and shut the door. Then I remembered. Betty. I walked over to her and she was getting up I grabbed her elbow she flinched "I'm sorry I messed it all up! I made your friends mad! I'm sorry please! Just don't hurt me I'm really really sorry I swear I'll-" I cut her off with a hug "it's ok" I breathed into her hair she smelled amazing "it's ok it's not your fault" she started to cry and I hugged her tighter she didn't deserve this any of it I'm such a terrible person "hey hey it's ok" I rubbed her back I could feel her spine that's not good. I pulled away and I truly took in just how frail she looked "Betty" I chocked "yea" she whispered "when was the last time you ate?" I was afraid for the answer knowing that whatever It was it would be my fault "I don't know I think I had an apple yesterday morning" she sighed "oh Betty, I'm so sorry" I lifted up her shirt and she was so skinny sickly skinny you could see her rip cage visibly poking through her skin I rubbed my finger over it. She swallowed and pulled away "I'm going to bed" she shuddered. She walked upstairs and I went into the bathroom to clean up my knuckle. I soon came up and went into her quote on quote room to her on the floor with her thin blanket. No wonder she never sleeps "do you want to come lay in bed with me" I offered she looked at me "are you sure?" She sat up "yea I'm sure" she got up and walked past me I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around "what's up?" She looked at me her eyes were beautiful "your bruise it looks-" "it's fine don't worry" I rubbed my finger over it lightly she winced a bit "I'm sorry" I rushed "no worries" I just kinda stared she was truly stunning "you ok" she giggled, I don't think I've ever heard her laugh and it was truly a beautiful sound "yea, just your beautiful" she looked at me weirdly that was expected "I'm sorry what?" She stammered "it's true your beautiful" I pushed a strand of Hair behind her ear "look you don't have to lie because you feel-" "I'm not I swear" she blushed "well thank you" "cmon let's go to bed" I pulled her into the bedroom and got under the covers she laid on top beside me "you can go under the covers you know" she nodded and slipped under very timidly I grabbed her hand intertwining are fingers "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you" "it's ok" she started "it's not I was horrible I don't know why you didn't leave, I promise to be better" she nodded again "I'm serious" "ok" she responded. I sat up pulling her up with me "why are you so forgiving?" I asked and simultaneously squeezed her hand harder "I think your a good person despite my mistreatment" she was looking down still "I don't deserve you" "everyone deserves someone" she laughed "even you" she rubbed her thumb over mine "even if that's not me" her words hurt I won't lie "I will make it up to you I swear" I looked at her she was slightly smiling she looked back. I looked at her lips and she looked at mine I leaned in and cupped her neck pulling her forward and kissed her slowly so I didn't scare her she pulled away for air and I pulled her in again not knowing I've wanted this for a lot longer than I'd ever admit. She pulled off again and I leaned my forehead against hers "your a good kisser" I grinned "your not terrible, but you've got practice" that's made my smile drop I guess she does notice the girls I take home, she noticed "that was a joke I'm sorry" "I'm sorry about the girls to be honest they were just so I could get my mind off of you" I hoped that would make her feel better "you don't have to cover it up it's ok" "I'm serious I think that's why I was cruel to you" "oh" is all she said "but I really like you"
She smiled again "I like you too I just I'm scared" a tear fell from her eye I wiped it away "I'll prove to you I can change" she nodded and laid down "I'm tired" she yawned "me too" I laid down too I pulled her closer "cuddles?" I grinned "you want me to cuddle you?" She asked confused "you don't have too of course" I got embarrassed "no its fine" she scooted closer to me and laid on my chest I wrapped my arms around her and lightly rubbed her back and intertwining out legs "I promise I'll protect you from now on and be a good husband" I whispered to her "ok I believe you" she whispered back. I kissed the top of her head and we both drifted off to sleep both the most comfortable We've ever been.
This one is long but it's ok didn't wanna make a part 2 anyways cute at the end and let's hope Jughead is better.

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