Maybe I just wanna be yours | bughead prt.2

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Listen to "maybe I just wanna be yours" by "Arctic monkeys"

I knocked on the door and she opened it looking rather unimpressed she was only wearing a t-shirt and booty shorts and I was basically drooling "hey" I said still staring at her like a creep "hi... you ok?" Damn! She noticed "yea um sorry" I stepped inside with nothing but my phone since Jessica never gave me the chance to take anything with me, "so what happened?" She asked "oh I kinda broke up with Jessica" I picked the baby hairs at the back of my neck "well that was dumb" she said that took me by surprise, "what?" I asked "why would you break up? You guys were happy" she sat down beside me on her couch "I didn't think it would work" I looked down "if it's about our kiss you can say I kissed you and you pushed me away" after all I said to her she was going to help me save my relationship wow. "No it's not about that funny enough she didn't care" I chuckled a little "she must really love you" I nudged him "yea well I don't love her" I kinda raised my voice "sheesh ok" she laughed "sorry" "anyways if you want to have a shower or something it's just down the hall and so is the spare bedroom" she pointed down the hall "oh do you need like a large shirt or something to sleep in?" She asked "if you have one" "yea I'll look" she got up and went into her room she really did have a nice apartment she came back with a pair of sweats and a shirt "best I could do if they don't fit I'm sorry" she huffed "it's ok I'll um go shower now, oh can I use your stuff?" "Oh yea go ahead, I'll just be watching a show" she sat down and turned on the tv watching whatever.

I showered and what not and decided now was the best time to talk to her. I sat down beside her and surprisingly her clothes fit. "Hey I wanted to apologize for earlier" she looked at me then looked down I saw the hurt in her eyes "I didn't mean it I swear, I was confused and angry and it just-" she put a hand on my thigh. Too close up my thigh. "Hey it's ok I forgive you" "thank you" I gulped "I just didn't know what I wanted and you were upset which made me upset and it came out" "well what do you want?" She asked almost in a whisper "maybe I just wanna be yours" she looked up at me with almost a shocked expression "I wanna be yours" I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and cupped her neck pulled her into a kiss. She kissed me back. Thank god. I pushed her down on the couch and got in between her legs she took a short gasp for breath and took the chance to shove my tongue into her mouth. I started to kiss down her neck and chest and she lightly pulled my hair "maybe we- we- should go to-um- the bedroom" say no more I thought I've wanted this moment for too long. I pulled her off the couch and picked her up she wrapped her legs around my waist I continued to kiss her we made it to the bedroom you can assume what happened next.

I woke up to strong arms wrapped around my torso I got out of bed to make myself some breakfast and I guess Jughead. I'm a little confused what happened last night but I mean I enjoyed it I guess I feel like he'll walk down those stairs and never speak to me again. And speak of the devil he just came down "hey there oOoo bacon?" He smirked "yea" I smiled he sat at one of the bar stools "so about last-" we started at the same time "you first" I laughed "do you regret last night?" He asked "no I don't but I totally understand if you do I mean you just got out of a breakup and we were just-" I stumbled he cut me off "no I don't regret it in fact I really enjoyed it" he grinned "me too" I sighed "Betty?" He asked.

I know this was probably not the most romantic or what not of times to do it but I can't contain it "Betty?" I asked she looked up "do you want to maybe try again?" I asked in high hopes she dug her nails into her hands oh no. I got up and walked over to her I slid my hands into hers "don't do that, bad habit" I whispered "I um I'm scared" she looked up at me I guess after all we've been through that's fair and after our little dilemma at school "of what?" Gotta double check. "What if I mess up again or you leave or I'm a shitty girlfriend" she rambled it was cute not gonna lie. "Your rambling" I pointed her chin up to me "I'm sorry" she whispered "it's cute" I whispered back "none of that will happen ok? And I should've listened to your side of the story and not just walked out" "and you were the best girlfriend I ever had so that should be the same" I inched closer to her lips "right?" She nodded and I kissed her she pulled off "I wanna try again" she kissed me again "amazing" I grinned I pulled her into a hug and she pulled out and continued cooking breakfast "you look hot when you cook" I commented and walked out to get dressed she scoffed. I got dressed we ate breakfast and she got dressed as well we were sitting on the couch both tying our shoes "what did happen with Archie? From your point of view?" I was curious "he kissed me I got confused I kissed back he then told me to meet him in the bunker and there I told him I loved you and wanted nothing to do with him" I'm stupid I'm so stupid I should've listened to her we would have never have been in this situation if I had just took the time to listen. "I'm sorry I didn't listen" I sighed "it's ok you had every reason not too, I just wanna put it behind us" I leaned in and kissed her cheek "ok then." And from then on well I was right I had the best girlfriend ever well wife for later on.
Pretty shitty ending I know. Thank you for 600 reads! And hope you have a great day!

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