High| bughead

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Listen to "habits" by "trove le"

It has been two months since the "perfect couple" broke up. Betty and Jughead, Jughead and Betty they were endgame to everyone until one night Betty and Jughead fought which basically never happened and they ended things, no one actually knows who called it quits first but they know the story Jughead had told them. The one we're Betty is the bad guy. She started taking anti-depressants and anxiety meds. It started with one a day to help with the pain then two then three it went on until she chugged bottles per day.

Jughead was fine he put in the smile walked around acting like he doesn't even remember Bettys last name. He was hurt and he would never tell or show anyone that he missed her everyday, he missed her hair and her smile and he missed her beautiful green eyes. He missed her giggled and her scent like strawberry's or vanilla. She was bullied everyday things thrown and her and names being drawn on her locker. She woke up and got dressed she put on her leggings and hoodie and put her hair up into a messy bun.

She had red rimmed eyes and her eyes had dark bags underneath her nose was blush on the front. She grabbed her pills and threw a couple in her mouth feeling the sweet relief of being numb. She hobbled downstairs to her mother "Elizabeth!" Her head her from how loud she was "hm" she didn't even turn around "gotta go" she ran out the door. She zig-zagged to school due to her being all wired. She walked into class and saw everyone flashing and giggling at her locker. She walked over and saw what her locker said "go to hell Whore bag!" Written in large black marker "great" she muttered, she pushed past them and grabbed her items she turned around to milkshake being thrown all over her head and down her shirt. She wiped her eyes to see Veronica and Reggie "that's what you get you dirty whore" Reggie spat. Jugheads eyes widened from the corner he felt extremely guilty for how she was being treated "Reggie why don't you show her what she really deserves, take a hit" he cracked his knuckles and grabbed her collar. He swung and punched her right in the face. "What the hell!" Jughead yelled and grabbed Reggie and pulled him off of her "you just hit a girl!"

Jughead was angry no scrap that furious "I-I- I hit a girl" he stammered as he looked at his Betty blood covered hand "I can't believe I just hit a girl" everyone was whispering beside him. Betty didn't care she ran off into the blue and gold room. She shut the door behind and wiped any milkshake off her face her nose and cheek bleeding down her face, she grabbed both pill bottles from her bag and downed them both till nothing was left she felt the room spin and then Jughead burst through "betty! Betty! Are you ok?" She stumbled over to him "what do you care" she slurred poking his chest "Betty your bleeding" she toppled into him and he grabbed her "you ruined my life jug-head" he felt guilt wash over him "he really got you good" he started walked her out "don't fucking touch me!" She was super high at this point.

"Betty please just come with me" he pleaded "no! I hate you!" Those words stung his heart, he couldn't believe he hurt her so badly she hated him. "I know you have every right to, but let me help you" he walked closer and she walked back "I don't need your help! I'm fine on my own" she dry heaved "Betty are you? Are you gonna be sick?" "No, I'm fine" darkness clouded the corners of her eyes "just go away, like you always do" he couldn't believe how badly he hurt her he was gonna beat him self up for ever. "I'm sorry Betty please" he put out his hand and she slapped it away "I um- I'm gonna be sick" she clenched her stomach and vomited a mix of blood and gastric acid. Her eyes now were fully black and she passed out Jughead caught her before she hit her head "betty! Betty! Can you hear me!" He was shaking her. She started seizing and foam came out her mouth "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" He grabbed her and pulled her out the hallway. "CALL 911 ANYBODY" "Betty please im sorry please" he was crying and she was still seizing everyone just stared "what's wrong with you!" He yelled Reggie came over and grabbed his phone he called 911 and they started to come over. They arrived and wheeled her in along with Jughead. He held her hand as they injected her with something "Betty please I can't lose you, please" he was bawling he couldn't believe this happened all because of him.

They took her into surgery and Jughead called his dad and Alice. They wheeled her into the emergency room and F.P along with Alice burst through "dad!" He ran over to him and fell into his arms bawling "it's all my fault! I did this" he couldn't stop crying "sh sh it's ok boy it's not your fault" "it is! I broke up with her it was me! I made her life a living hell out of my own mistake!" Alice was crying in a seat it the corner "it's ok" "she'll be ok" "you don't know that!" He cried. F.P Brought him down to a chair and sat with him. For what felt like hours until the nurse came out. "For ElizaBeth cooper?" She called Jughead F.P and Alice all got up and went over "what happened" Alice demanded "she had an overdose on anxiety and anti-depressants she's a lucky one, we flushed out her stomach and she should be ok" they all went quiet Jughead cursed himself for letting her get sick "did you know about this?" The nurse asked "no" they all said in unison. "She's ready to be visited she just currently sleeping" "I wanna go" Jughead said he walked up to her room and sat down he grabbed her hands "I'm so sorry Betty, I'm so so sorry" he was crying again "I didn't mean for you to get sick I didn't mean for any of it I'm sorry" he cried. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked to him "I- I forgive you" she whispered "Betty! Oh Betty your awake!" He got up and hugged her "I'm so sorry I love you" she hugged him back "it's ok" he didn't understand her forgiveness "it's not I fucked up" "I wasn't there and you needed me" he was so ashamed "just lay with me" she quivered "anything" he whispered back. Her eyes hadn't opened yet she was exhausted "I love you Betty I promise I'll help you get better and they'll stop bullying you" he hugged her tighter afraid if he let go she'd wither away. "I'm a horrible person" "you were getting there" she chuckled hoping it would lighten the mood, it didn't work it made him feel worse "I love you so much" "In time I'll love you too" she said back "for now just stay with me" "I'll never leave you again."
Im a whore for sad things. If you are struggling with drug addiction please reach out this is a fake story not meant to trigger anyone and I hope you enjoyed and enjoy your day! Thank you for 400 reads!

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