The storm| bughead

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Listen to "dandelions" by "Ruth.b"

I was sitting in Veronicas room with Cheryl,Toni, and Kevin and also of course Veronica we were having a girls night including Kevin. It was storming outside and I was staring to get worried. My best friend Jughead you see has a massive fear of storms. He's alone tonight his dad is on some serpent trip I never get into that stuff and I'm worried about him. I've had a crush on Jughead for the longest time but I don't think he likes me back I mean he's never showed any signs ever. I was sitting in the ground beside Veronica when I decided to check the weather because if it's not that bad maybe I won't have to go over.

I pulled it open and I saw the severe thunderstorm wanting and my heart started racing I knew he'd be scared right now. "Why do you keep checking the weather B?" Veronica asked me "no reason" I responded they'd so bully me if I told them it was because of Jughead "are you scared" Kevin poked at me "Nooooo" I looked down and turned my phone off and continued the movie. Cheryl,Toni and Kevin all fell asleep it was just me and Veronica when all of the sudden a large struck of lighting hit with booming thunder. That's it, I thought I'll at least text Jughead.
Betty: are you ok?
Jughead: yes don't worry
Betty: are you sure? Your alone
Jughead: I'm fine
Betty: don't lie >:(
Jughead: I'm not
Betty: I'm coming over
Jughead: Betty don't
Betty: be over in 10
Jughead: Betty! Stop! I'm fine!
I left him on read I was going I knew he needed me I just got that vibe. "Veronica I'm going home" I whispered "what?" She whispered back "we're having fun" she whined "bye" I got up and she sighed I forgot Veronica drove me here with Smithers so I guess I'm walking. I walked all the way in the freezing pouring rain I walked all the way to his trailer. I knocked and he opened it. Shirtless. I was drooling, but stop it. He's scared. He immediately pulled me into a hug and I could feel hot tears pooling into my collar bone. "Juggie" I whispered.

I kicked the door shut behind me and I heard him sniffle "you shouldn't have come" he sniffled back to me "I can leave" I joked he grubbed me tighter "you're already here I'll save you the trouble" he mumbled. I walked us over to the couch and sat us down he pulled me onto his lap my breath hitched. I know we've been intimate before but it's different now that I have feelings. "Juggie how about you shower to calm you down" I stroked his hair his face in my chest "you need one too your soaked" "ok" I mumbled "but you first" I continued. He showered and came back out I was shivering on his couch feeling bad for getting it wet "Betty your freezing" he came over and tried to hug me "don't- I'm wet and cold you just showered" he stepped back "then you shower so I can hug you" he pouted "I didn't bring any clothes" I sat up and went to grab a towel "borrow mine" he quipped "fine" I went and stole his shirt and sweats and showered.

I waited in my bedroom while she showered in my bathroom. I've liked her since like 3rd grade and I can't help but feel butterflies whenever she's around. She was showering and I was waiting of her. I have this deep dramatic fear of storms Betty or my dad have always been there to help me but tonight I was alone since I knew Betty was at a sleepover and my dad was on a business trip it made me have this weird gut feeling when she left her sleepover for me. She stepped out of the shower in my baggy clothes and her hair was in a wet messy bun, god she looked hot. She sat down beside me head against the head board. We sat in silence a comfortable silence.

I heard some thunder strike and I flinched and grabbed Bettys hand. I flushed she looked down I didn't let go yet though "sorry" I raced "it's fine" she laced are fingers I blushed and looked up. She was holding my hand. "Wanna watch something" she whispered to me "yea, atypical?" I asked right now I would watch whatever and I knew girls were into that show "yea it's one of my favourites" she cooed I nodded and turned it on. After a bit I calmed down I slid closer to her I don't think she noticed but I noticed her shivering. She was sitting above the covers while I was under still gripping her hand "are you cold?" I asked "no, I'm fine" she answered, lighting struck and grabbed her hand hard "I'm sorry" I whispered a tear slipping down my eye "don't be" she scooted closed shoulder to shoulder leg to leg hip to hip. I think my heart skipped a beat and I looked down at our bodies and I felt my breathing increase I've never felt this before. She started to rub circles on my thumb "it's ok Juggie I'm right here" she whispered I moved closer to her she moved closer to me too, I could feel her breath. "What did you tell Veronica" I asked I don't why "what?" "Like when you left the sleepover what did you tell Veronica" I said super low almost a whisper "I wanted to go home" "I would've been fine" I said again I knew I wouldn't of but I felt bad. "I'd do anything for you plus your more fun then Ronnie anyways" she giggled. I think my heart just shot into my throat she really would do anything for me? I couldn't help myself I leaning in and I kissed her at first she was shocked but then she melted into it.
I cupped her cheek/neck and pulled her deeper she fell a bit on me. We continued to kiss for a while because I never wanted to let her go but eventfully we both needed air. We pulled off and I leaned my forehead against her "I really like you Betty" I breathed "but like more than a friend" I quickly said "I really like you to Juggie" "like more than a friend" she added and poked me "hey!" I laughed. "You can go under the covers you know" I smiled she didn't say anything just got under still looking at me. I laid down next to her and noticed she was still shivering "Betty your still cold from the rain" "I know it's fine" she responded "here" I pulled her into my chest "this ok" I asked suddenly feeling self conscious I mean we've done stuff like cuddled but nothing like this. "Yea" she said I smiled and kissed her head "good night" I whispered "good night" she whispered back.

I slept blissfully that night.

I woke up earlier than Jughead still shocked of previous nights events I mean I've wanted this for so long I got up quietly and stood at his kitchen counter receiving some texts from Veronica.
Veronica: make it home safe?
Betty: yes
Veronica: so you didn't go to Jugheads?
Betty: what why would you think that?
Veronica: I tracked your phone
Betty: what the hell!
Veronica: did you two have sex yet?
Betty: goodbye
Veronica: you so did!
Veronica: don't deni it!
Veronica: Betty! Answer!
Veronica: Betty?
I felt two strong arms wrap around me "who you texting" he nuzzled his face I my neck "Veronica" I turned around to face him "she tracked my phone and now she thinks we're having sex" he just looked at me weird "interesting" he smirked "stop smirking" I hit his chest "maybe one day" I slipped under him and started to walk away he grabbed me "not so fast" he twirled me around "will you be my girlfriend" he pulled me closer I said nothing "Betty?" "I don't know" his face fell I smiled and leaned up to kiss him he dogged it I pouted "so the girlfriend thing your gonna have to say yes for a kiss" he smirked I rolled my eyes "yes I'll be your girlfriend" "good" he leans down and kissed me I smiled into it.

"I have to go home Juggie" he let me go "ok" he fake pouted "see you tomorrow" I walked out "hey my clothes!" He shouted "there mine now!" I yelled back. I smiled all the way home happy I finally got the guy.
I love writing fluffy ones so much it reminds me of old bughead :( also I put atypical just cause the new season came out tehe.

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