Divorce| bughead

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Listen to "soap" by "Melanie Martinez"

"Your so fucking controlling!" I yelled at her

"We'll your on your ass all day!" She yelled back

"I have a job!"

"You think I don't?!" She yelled back.

This was a daily cycle, I come home Bettys pissed we yell and fight.

"You know what?!"

"What?!" She sneered

"I want a divorce!" As soon as those four words slipped out of my mouth I wanted to shove them back in.

Her face fell and she didn't say anything, she nodded and went upstairs.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

I sat down at our counter and started to cry, what had I done?

I sat there for I don't know how long until I decided to go upstairs.

Of course Betty wasn't in our bedroom, she was in the spare.

I walked into the spare mindlessly and was met with a very tear stained Betty reading.

"Betts?" I asked, she looked up from her book and wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"I- um" I started but couldn't finish.

"Goodnight" I said and ushered off.

I heard a sniffled goodnight back from Betty.

That night I couldn't sleep, I wasn't crying or anything I didn't have the mentality to do that, but my heart ached and if I wasn't In the situation I was in I would think I was having a heart attack.

The next morning I came downstairs and she of course wasn't there.

I sighed made myself coffee and off to work I went.

That day at work was the most slowest and painful day of work I've ever had to endure. 

My boss kept asking me what was wrong, of course I wouldn't reply.

When I got home that night it was silent almost
Spooky. There wasn't TV playing or dinner being made, it was just nothing.

I walked into the kitchen and saw the papers,

The divorce papers.

I almost cried instantly at that sight it was something I never wanted to see.

There was a pen beside them and Betty had already signed. Maybe she did want a divorce.

I picked up the pen, but I couldn't bring my shaky hands to do it. I dropped the pen and instead read the sticky note beside.

It read 'dinner in the fridge' my heart wrenched
I told her I wanted a divorce I yelled at her and she still made me dinner.

I pulled it our and heated it, I just picked at it.

I couldn't eat I couldn't even function anymore.

I cleaned up my meal and went upstairs.

If you don't want this to happen it's now or never when you've got to tell her.

I looked into the spare room to be met with once again a reading Betty but not tear stained face this time, just eye bags.

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