How to muder your life| bughead

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Listen to "dead to me" by "kali ulchich"

I tried to get him to stop, I begged him to stop. But he wouldn't and I'm now realizing there is nothing I can do.

Jughead my amazing husband, he was so perfect In every way, he was loving, kind, funny and, very charming.

All until one day.

He went out with a couple of friends, no biggy right?

Well your wrong because that was the day he not only murdered his life but when he murdered mine too.

When he came out he didn't look drunk he didn't even look high.

He looked like a physco.

I remember how pale his face was, how his shaking hands tried so hard to keep himself from falling, how his hair was slick with sweat and was trickling down his forehead.

I remember his eyes were super dilated and how they were almost vibrating, I remember how his eyes were red and how his eye lashes were thickened with goop.

I remember how his lips were crusty and how he kept licking them.

I remember when he stared me in the eyes like he didn't even recognize me. 

I was scared that night for the first time ever Jughead Jones had scared me, I of course helped him to bed but I couldn't sleep that night.

When we had awoken he didn't remember much from the night before, just that he told me he didn't mean to scare me and he would never do it again.


He did it again and again and again.

He started to become angrier when he was sober, he started to become hatful.

He didn't care about anything anymore except for his drugs.

No matter my pleading or my threats he didn't care.

At some point he ran out of money and he started to use mine.

I didn't realize it at first until I wanted to get a bite with Veronica my best friend and didn't have any cash in my wallet.

I had asked Jughead and he claimed he only did it once.

What a load of bullshit.

I made a pretty steady income and so did he so it was highly concerning that he was running out of money.

I later learned he was fired from his job because he came to work under the influence and was absolutely delusional.

I started to get angry with him, I would yell at him for hours while he yelled at me back.

I would cry myself to sleep most nights, those were the nights he was gone.

I didn't know if he would come home or if he had died.

I started to hide my wallet when he was home making sure he couldn't take any of my money for his sake and for mine.

I hasn't spoken to anyone about his problems, not a single soul.

I was scared, what if he was taken away? What would the all think? Would I be blamed?

It all scared me.

I brought up the idea of rehab for Jughead he immediately shut me down.

Months after months of this torture.

Eventually I had had enough, I was over him, I was over his problems.

So when one night he came home, I packed up my things and waited for him to wake up to bare him the new that I was done.

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